Chapter 1 - Hello, Again.

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Y/N rushed up at the sound of his alarm, quickly shutting it off. He looked around at a room he didn't recognize. Scanning the room, he found a phone on the nightstand next to him. Opening it up, he found a voicemail from someone labeled as Mindy - Chad's Sis. He turned it on to listen to her.

"Hey, Y/N. Chad said you got back from Romania yesterday. Tara has missed you a ton," That name rang a bell to Y/N. He continued listening to the voicemail, "You should be able to see her at school today. We'll catch up on how your trip went then. I heard your mum is out of town for a couple of weeks. If you fancy a few drinks, let me and Chad know."

With that, it stopped, and Y/N looked down at the phone, revealing the time as 6:45. He jumped out of bed and made his way to the shower. He couldn't get a thought out of his head. The word Wednesday bounced around his brain. Did he have something big planned? Throughout his shower, it plagued him. After finishing his shower, he got ready. He found a lanyard and a small pendant in the shape of the letter "W." Looking at it, he couldn't help but be captivated. Another reminder of the word Wednesday, even if it was just the first letter. Once dressed, he looked at the lanyard, revealing the school to be Woodsboro High. Walking out of his house, pendant around his neck, he spotted a bus driving past and flagged it down.

"Woodsboro High?" The driver asked, to which Y/N nodded and hopped on. He hadn't recognized anyone until a guy shouted from the back.

"Y/N, get your European ass over here!" He shouted. Y/N looked to see a well-built guy sitting next to a white-haired guy. Y/N walked up to them, throwing his bag underneath his seat.

"Yo, what's good?" Y/N asked.

"Nothing much. Chad here just decided it would be smart to pick a fight with one of the transfers on her first day," the white-haired one said. Y/N guessed that this was Mindy's brother.

"I got Mindy's voicemail. I might have to take you up on that offer," Y/N laughed.

"Not tonight, you aren't. Since you got back, Tara hasn't stopped talking about you going over to her place," Chad noticed Y/N's pendant. He looked at it for a moment. "You ain't been cheating, have ya? With that necklace, who's 'W'?"

"What do you mean, cheating?" Y/N asked, surprised.

"On your girlfriend, Tara... You good, bro?" Chad chuckled a bit.

"Yeah, man, just a bit messed up from the flight," Y/N replied, laughing back.

They slowly pulled up to the school, and Y/N looked out. It was a large building, but his eyes were drawn to a girl standing outside of the bus. She had black hair and was staring at Y/N directly, sending a shiver throughout his spine. Next to her stood a small girl with dark hair.

"W... Wednesday," Y/N whispered beneath his breath. He stepped out of the bus, and they stood at a standstill. He looked at her. She had a wide smile. She burst towards him, jumping into his arms.

"Y/N! You idiot! How could you forget your phone! Two months, not a word!" She shouted at him, tucking her head into his chest. She hugged him tightly. "I thought I'd lost you."

"Me too," Y/N replied, sinking into the hug.

"Come on, we've got lessons. You are sitting next to me in each!" Tara chuckled. She grabbed onto Y/N's hand. As soon as they brushed, Y/N's head flew back. His mind started showing him images. One of Tara, but she was dressed in all black and had pigtails, kissing another man. He was tall with brown hair. The next image he saw was Tara in a hospital bed. Then he saw Tara with a knife to her throat from a man in a Halloween mask and cloak. His head shot forward, instantly being surrounded by people. Tara was by his side, still holding his hand.

"Y/N? Hello! Are you okay?" She shouted. He slowly got to his feet, looked at her for a moment before hugging her tight.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to worry you," He held her hand the entire way to class before sitting next to her in lessons. 

At lunch they sat with Chad and the white haired guy. Mindy was also there as was the strange women who stared at him that morning. Chad's girlfriend was with them.

"So how was Europe?" Mindy asked. 

"Yeah, Cool. We saw Transylvania and places like that." Y/N lied, he didn't remember ever going to Romania. Infact, before today he didn't remember anything about his life. 

The rest of his day went pretty quickly, before leaving for home Tara turned to Y/N.

"Hey, wanna come over to mine tonight? My mum's not home, so we can use the liquor cupboard."

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