Chapter 2-The Visitor

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Time seemed to slow, hour by hour as Sophie leaned against the side of her prison cell. Following the revelation that none of them had their powers, She, Fitz, and Keefe had attempted to brainstorm an escape plan, but unfortunately found no viable solution with their friends still still passed out. The only thing they could do was to pray that their friends wake up in time.

After hours of staring at the wall, Keefe shot straight up in his cell, "ugh, I can't believe I didn't think of this!"

He took a deep breath, and slowly but surely started to float in the air. Fitz, now peering at him through his own cell, let out a soft curse under his breath. Sophie chided herself as well. She liked to believe that she was different than most elves in the fact that she didn't overly-rely on her special ability's and made sure to practice her skills. The fact that she didn't think to try them out was somewhat disappointing. 

Sighing, she rose to her legs, shaking out the soreness from sitting so long, and started to examine the weak connections around the metal bars of her cell.

"Do you guys think that I could channel enough energy to blow out these bars?" she asked.

Both fitz and Keefe gave her the exact same look and answered with very loud "yes's", Keefe one second before Fitz. 

She sighed at her stupid question. "It's going to take me a bit of time to rally the mental energy for this". 

Before she could even begin the laborious process, a shadow fell over the prison as soft clicks echoed down the corridor. A fervent, creepy voice sounded from behind her, 

"Don't even think about it Sophie, if you want your friends to remain untouched for the time being."

Her blood chilled as her brain went on high alert. She turned around in her cinder block cell, trying to find where the familiar voice was coming from. After a time, the clicking stopped as a figure stepped into her peripheral vision.  Sophie probably should have guessed. The figures strangely stretched face was grinning at her through the bars, and what a horrible sight it was.

Lady Gisela had come for them at last.

Sophie heard a loud hiss come from Keefe's cell, but his mother kept her eyes firmly planted on Sophie's face. 

"You always seem to think that your one step ahead Sophie, I can't wait to prove to you how really helpless you are in all of this. The only reason why you're not with Vespera is that you'll be the proper motivator for my son to fulfill his legacy."

From behind her, Keefe let out a huge yawn. "Wow, ladies and gentleman, we've never heard that one before have we?"

Despite his bold words, Sophie could see Keefes face blanching, he was definitely starting to panic. Maybe it was just their connection, but Sophie didn't think his performance was all that convincing. He was terrified.

Lady Gisela sighed, looking over her shoulder at him, "you have no clue just how disappointing it is to see your child waste their potential."

She looked back at Sophie. "My son could do much better than you"

Sophie only smiled back. "I could say the same for you".

Gisela's tight features only seemed to scrunch further as she swiveled, observing her surroundings.

"Such bold words for someone who is currently imprisoned, with all of her friends incapacitated around her."

Sophie had a deep understanding of how serious the situation was. However, it was just so ridiculous, that the only thing she could do was laugh. It started off as a silent chuckle, making her shoulders vibrate, but once she started, she couldn't stop. Tears started to stream from her eyes as she clutched her belly, convulsing on the ground. The situation was SO inappropriate to be laughing, but she couldn't bring herself to care.

Gisela started to try and say something to Keefe, but her point was quickly diminished as Sophie's howling filled the prison with echo's, making her laugh even harder. 

The look on Keefe's mothers face was priceless, and soon he joined Sophie in her howling. They had been in a situation similar to this before. In fact, this exact situation seemed to happen at least once a month. It had become as normal as washing bed sheets and that was just too much for the  two of them.

Fitz had managed to stay silent throughout the entire thing up until this point. But this was just enough to push him over the edge. He went to the front of his cell, gripping a bar in both hands and shouted,

"Can you two just SHUT UP already! This is no laughing matter. Were screwed. AGAIN. Because you two think you can just drag people into any little plot you hatch!"

That seemed to sober up the two of them, but where Sophie was silent, trying to leach the red splotches from her face, Keefe was loud.

"Ah, and the son she always wanted is finally stepping up to the cause. Aren't you so happy to finally have a teenager in your midst willing to follow your directions, mommy dearest?"

That seemed to piss Fitz off even more. His eyes blazed, and what came out next was anything but pleasant. 

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