Start from the beginning

The Webber girl nodded as her wavy curly hair moved and saw a bruise on her face that was seemingly covered by makeup but it was starting to fade making the bruise more visible. The bell soon rang and she asked Marcel and Jasper to wait outside and Angela to stay back.

"Ms. Klaus? Why did you ask me to stay back?" She asked.

"Angela why is there a bruise on your cheek?" She asked the girl softly.

"W-what ar-e y-ou talking a-about?" Stuttered Angela.

She put a hand on Angela's shoulder making her flinch, "Sorry love but the makeup is fading and it's becoming more visible."

"What?" She said visibly.

"Hon I went through abuse and I can tell when abuse is happening. You flinched when I touched your shoulder." She told the younger girl softly.

"You went through abuse?" Questioned Angela.

"At the hands of my stepfather my mother just watched and let it happen." Klaus told her softly.

Just above a whisper Angela spoke, "It's my parents. I usually stay at Jess' but I went back yesterday for clothes. They hit me."

"I know it feels like the end of the world Angela, but trust me it's not." She told the younger human girl.

"It's not?" She asked.

"It's not I'll do whatever it takes to get you out of there little angel." She told the girl.

"Thank you so much." Angela said hugging Klaus.

"Of course do you want help reapplying the makeup." She said.


The two stayed like that for a while as Klaus and Angela bonded. Klaus told the girl story about her family. Angela told her stories about her life her friends everything.

After a brief moment the bell rang.

The students came in as well as Marcel and he sat down in the chair he was sat previously. She began teaching music.

"Okay today we will be learning how to play the piano." She explained.

That's how they spent the rest of the class spending time in class. Watching her and listening to play the piano.


Klaus was currently getting ready for a date she had with Paul

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Klaus was currently getting ready for a date she had with Paul. She was currently doing her makeup. Angela was staying with the Mikaelson's after they were fostering her until the adoption goes through and currently straightening her hair per Klaus' request. Klaus was currently doing her makeup when Kol came in with little Florence in his arms looking wide awake.

"Hello Kol, are you alright?" She said taking Florence in her arms.

"Yes I just have to ask where you're going." He asked making her look at him. "Don't look at me like that Angela is straightening your hair and you're doing your makeup. I'm not saying anything about your outfits because you wear this regularly these types of clothes."

"True." Shrugged Klaus.

"She has a date." Angela said.

"Little Angel." Whined Klaus with a pout.

"With who?" Questioned Kol.


"No I will not allow it." Kol said.

Kol grew veins under his eyes and they became bloodshot. Angela had since learned about the supernatural and was okay with it. He then turned himself into a ghost.

"I will haunt him down!" Said Kol in ghost form. "I will kill them!"

"No Kol I don't care if you're a ghost you can't haunt or attempt to kill my mates. No I don't care if you're my twin you're my twin just don't touch them." She told him.


"But nothing Uncle Kol." Said Angela. "She deserves to be happy and you will not ruin that for her. You will not kill mama's mates."

"But Angie." Whined Kol.

"No!" The two girls said.

"Fine." He grumbled.

"Oh and Kol turn back solid you are in charge of the kids."

"Why can't Finn or Marcel do it?" Whined Kol.

"Finn is on a date with Emily." She explained softly. "And Marcel is in Seattle getting some things he found Jessica like they've been talking for a couple weeks. Also you know I would never make my children take care of my other children. That is not their responsibility they're the kids here not the adults."

"I know. Also Marcel is an adult." Kol said.

"He will always be a child in my heart." She said and Angela finished with her hair.

"C'mon mama." Said Angela dragging her mother to the mirror with Florence on her hips.

She smiled at her reflection and gasped, she had struggled with loving herself for centuries. Angela put her shoulders on her mother, "I look..."

"Say it."


"That you do little sister." She smiled at Kol the bell than rang.

"I'll get it mama." She told Klaus and went down to open the door. Klaus went down and looked at Paul who wore jeans with a blue button up.

Paul smiled at her and his eyes lit up when he saw her, "Wow you look so beautiful out of this world."

Klaus blushed and Paul handed her flowers, "Thank you Paul."

"Anything for you Niki."

She handed Florence to Klaus, "Remember Kol bedtime is eight at the latest for Florence and Angela can be awake as long as she's in her bed by eleven."

"I know Klaus you can trust me stop going all mama wolf." Said Kol.

"I know Kol." She sighed.

She went to pull the flowers in a vase. "I'm just worried about the kids and just make sure Henrik's y'know doesn't go off again when he wakes up he's currently taking a nap."


She kissed both of her kids foreheads, "I love you."

"I love you too mama."

Paul and Klaus left and luckily it wasn't raining. She got on the back of him on the motorcycle as he drove. "Hold on tight princess."

She wrapped her arms around his waist as they drove in the direction of where they were going.


Daily checkups: How are you?

QOTD: What are you doing right now?
AOTD: Sitting in class writing this because I already finished all my work

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