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All her students were sat down, "Can anybody tell me what people used as art supplies in the prehistoric times?"

One person raised their hands and it was a beautiful girl with pink glasses, "Yes Ms. Webber."

"Was it natural pigments." She asked her teacher her eyes looked of innocence making her look at the girl softly her wolf was locking a bond with the young girl and she knew this.

"Correct Ms. Webber." She answered. "Now can somebody tell me who created the Mona Lisa?"

"Leonardo da Vinci."

"That's actually where history got it wrong." She told her students who looked at their teacher in shock. "Yes I know it's shocking. Although the Mona Lisa was said to be created in 1501 it was actually created in 1396. It wasn't supposed to be named The Mona Lisa originally. The original name Matilda Martinson. How do I know this you may ask an ancestor of mine was the real creator of the said Mona Lisa." I actually made it but my ex-lover stole it. "It's the man I was named after Niklaus Mikaelson. But besides the point would you believe your ancestors more or a random person who's saying they created it."

Just about everyone said, "Our ancestors."

"Okay then from what I heard Niklaus' little sister fell in love with a man from the da Vinci line and a couple decades later Leonardo who wasn't that good of an artist he found where her painting was stored." She told them softly. "From what I read Da Vinci was a fraud who made money on stolen work. There are many people who made money off stolen work such as Vincent Van Gogh, Michaelangelo, Johannes Vermeer, among many others. Now what would you like to do. Either you can sketch something inspired by a painting or paint something inspired by something you've seen before."

They all look at her in understanding and get their things together and start either sketching or
painting. She is walking around happily when Kol just walks into the classroom unannounced startling the students. "Sister!"

She looks at her whining brother with a sigh, "Can I help you brother? If you can't tell I'm in the middle of teaching a class. Can this wait?"

"It's about Marcel." That's all it took for Klaus to go full blown mama bear.

"What happened to my boy? Is he okay? Don't tell me it's our fucking forgive me for saying the word as I don't like to say it but whore of a sister."

She looked at her students, "I expect you to behave yourself you can still interact but I need you to behave yourselves." She then looked at her twin. "Let's take this outside."

The two quickly walked outside into the parking lot where nobody was and they quickly cast a spell to make sure nobody heard them. "Okay so what happened with my son and Rebekah."

"Well as you know Elijah and Rebekah are in New Orleans, right?" Klaus nodded. "Well they somehow got a witch on their side and tried to say that this bitchy werewolf is pregnant with your child. Oh and our two siblings are trying to use Vervain on your son."

"That shit's weird saying a woman is pregnant with my child especially when I haven't had any sexual intercourses in over eighty years." She told him. "And please tell me my son is okay?"

"He's good but Rebekah tried to compel him and when that didn't work it pissed her off. So she tried to use vervain on him. Well Elijah did. I'm so close to putting a dagger into them both." He told his twin. "Honestly we're lucky we can't died by a white oak. I'm going to stick a dagger in them."

"Just wait a couple days and let's see what happens. If it gets worse I'll go down there on Friday. And we'll dagger them both." She told him.

"Okay goodbye dear sister." He kissed the crown of her hair and then disappeared.

She then walked back inside the school to her classroom and saw her students doing as told, "Sorry about that. My brother had some information about something that was going on in my family. It seems I can never seem to catch a break."

Her students smiled at her and her mate looked at her worriedly. She walked over to her desk and started grading papers. After she finished grading papers she was walking around and when she saw Angela Webber's own interpretation of the Starry Night which was actually a painting she created. Niklausia Mikaelson created the Starry Night in the midst of a mental breakdown and the man she thought of as a friend who she gifted it too slapped his name on the creation of Niklausia Mikaelson. But Angela Webber's interpretation was beautiful. "Ms. Webber this is beautiful."

"Thank you Ms. Klaus." Said Alice politely.

She walked around and stopped when she saw Jasper's she was at a loss for words. It was a beautiful painting of the woods on a full moon a black wolf on the side stars all around it. "Oh my. Mr. Hale this is beautiful I am at a loss for words of how to describe this."

He looks at his mate and smiled he just wanted to grab her and pull her into his lap and hold her forever but he knew he couldn't. "Thank you."

After a bit the bell finally rings. "Okay you're dismissed you can pick it up tomorrow if you didn't finish it in class feel free to take it home or you can wait until tomorrow to pick it up."

The students rolled out of the Blonde Tribrid's classroom and a certain Blonde vampire stayed back, "Can I help you Jasper?"

"Are you okay with everything that happened with your twin and your family?" He asked the dirty blonde Tribrid.

"We're fine. I just can't seem to catch a break." She told Jasper. "But don't worry about it Jasper. It's just family things."

"It seems like more than that." Jasper commented.

"It is but it's not anything new." She told Jasper. "But I would say you to go as I need to leave."

Jasper nodded and she grabbed her things and clocked out and got into her car and drove off to her home. Music blasting in the car. The students all looked at her, her music was so loud it was vibrating through the parking lot.


QOTD: Flowers or Books?

AOTD: Books 100%

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