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KLAUS WAS EATING HER lunch when she heard a knock on the door and it was one of her students. It was a student who had honey blonde and was probably over a foot taller than her. She signaled him to come in.

"Come on in sit." She looked up and locked eyes and mentally screamed 'fuck'. She smiled at what looked like to be a cold one vampire. "What can I do for you? Jasper was it."

"Yes ma'am." Said the honey haired student.

"A southerner?" She questioned.

"Yes I was born in Texas." Klaus nodded.

"So why did you want to speak about Jasper?"

"I know you're different." He explained. "Different than humans at least."

She smiled and poured herself a bourbon, "I knew you would know. After all it's not everyday you find another supernatural in such a small town. I would offer you bourbon but I know it would taste like dirt unless it's spiked with blood and I don't have any blood with me on the moment."

"Spiked with blood?" Questioned confused as far as he knew you couldn't eat food. "We can't eat food."

She looked at him in confusion, "Actually you can. It just has to spiked with blood either animal or human. By the looks of it you drink animal blood. Correct?"

"Yes. But I thought I couldn't eat food anymore how is this even possible?" Asked Jasper.

"Because it's not widely known for some unknown reason. Which is also a reason you're so sickly pale. No offense." She told him.

"None taken. So that's why we're so pale?"

"Yes although you are getting blood your body is not getting enough nutrients. That's why vampires are so pale. The body of cold one vampire are that of a human functioning except their body is obviously cold and frozen." She told him.

"How do you know this?" Questioned Jasper.

"I myself am part vampire. Nightwalker vampire to be specific." She explained to him softly.

"What's a night walker?" He asked her.

"A different species of vampire unlike cold ones we don't sparkle in the sun." She said.

"Wait so what happens to you in the sun?" He asked his mate.

"That's a story for another time." She told him.

"So you said you're part vampire how is it possible?" He asked.

"I'll tell you one day."

Kol then popped up, "Can I threaten him?"

"No Kol stop trying to threaten people who have done nothing to you." She tells her twin she then looks at Jasper. "Sorry one of my brothers decided to pop up in here."

Then Henrik popped up in there, "Who is this?"

"One of her mates." Said Kol and then Finn popped up.

"Does our itty bitty sister have a mate." Cooed Finn in a joking manner.

"You're all lucky you're on the other side and are kind of ghosts. If you weren't I would tackle all you right now." Grumbled Klaus. "And I'm not that short."

"Sister I haven't been alive for over a thousand years and I know you're short." Said Henrik. "You're what like five foot one, five foot two."

She looked at her other two brothers who looked at sheepishly, "Okay who corrupted our baby brother?"

"Hey I'm not a baby!"

"You're fourteen!" Said all the siblings in unison.

"The twins are seven years older than you Henrik! I'm fourteen years older than you!"

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