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After p.e. You girls were heading back to the girls locker room to change just to see the teacher struggling to unlock the door.

"It won't budge." The teacher says irritated, still trying to unlock the door.

Hinata, who was closest to the door, stepped forward and offered her assistance. "Let me try, Miss."

With a sigh of frustration, the teacher reluctantly handed over the keys. Hinata inserted them into the lock and twisted it vigorously, but it refused to budge. "It's jammed," she muttered under her breath, trying again with renewed force.

You watched helplessly as Hinata continued to struggle, feeling a mix of panic and embarrassment rising within her.

"I'm sorry girls but you have to eventually to go out like that." The teacher says with an embarrassed smile. "I have to ask the janitor to open it eventually." She then adds as we give her a reassuring smile.

"It's not a problem miss, we can handle this." Yuzuha said with a thumb up.

"Of course we can, we are big girls after all." Senju chimed in with a cheeky smile and both thumbs up. 'I can see more of Y/n in that uniform.' She begins to imagine the reaction of the others seeing you like this and her wrapping her arm around your waist as she walks with you around.

"Then cmon girls, let's head out." All girls walk towards the exit a with their uniforms on.

"Let's head to the canteen, I'm sure Emma and the others are waiting for us." Yuzuha grabbed your hand and walked with you to the canteen with the other two following.

As we walked towards the canteen, I couldn't help but feel self-conscious about my half exposed cleavage and the way my tight uniform clung to my sweaty body. The girls around me whispered amongst themselves, their comments making my cheeks flush even redder.

"Did you see how hot she looked in that uniform?" one girl murmured to another. "I bet she has a great figure underneath those clothes."

"I kinda feel bad for her, someone must have given her the wrong size." Another girls whispers to her friend group. "I can tell she feels uncomfortable in that, but wait...why are they still in their p.e. uniform?" A short girl chimed in.

You tried to ignore the comments and focus on keeping the pace with Hinata and the others, trying not to trip over my own feet.

As we walked past a group of male students, one of them whistled loudly, calling out, "Damn, girl, you look hot in that!" His friends joined in with lewd comments and catcalls, making me blush crimson with embarrassment. Hinata, oblivious to the attention, continued chatting animatedly with Yuzuha and Senju, unaware of the lewd remarks being hurled at her friend.

You quickened your pace, trying to put some distance between yourself and the rowdy boys, but they followed closely behind us, their eyes lingering on my exposed curves. My face burned with shame and humiliation, wishing You could disappear altogether. 'Why are they following us? Shit this is bad.' You were freaking out mentally, wishing they could just leave you alone.

Senju, sensing the growing discomfort emanating from you, turned around and glared at the boys. "Back off, creeps," she growled, her voice low but deadly.

The boys froze in fear, their eyes widening in terror as they realized who they were messing with.

"Don't ever speak to her like that again," Senju growled, her fists clenching into tight fists at her sides. "Or I swear, I'll make sure you wish you hadn't been born." She said with a cold glare.

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