chapter 5.'unwanted infant'

Start from the beginning

I walk down the stairs and sit down next Alexander who looks amused at my appearance i guess he was shocked to se me with make uo on . While step mommy on the other hand was fuming with anger but couldn't do anything more rather than ask Alexander many scandolous questions.

After dinner I walked Alexander out to his car ....

"You really hate your family "he says nearing the parking space.

"Bother not, it's mutual" I say with a smile playing on my lips.

"Ah that smile, the smile that made people go crazy, Nick always talked about it " he opens his car door turning and placing a kiss on my forehead . " Your mom's looking " he said as a soft laugh left his lips I found myself not being able to contain my blush a bit remembering our last encounter in my room then quickly came back to reality.

"Are you laughing and smiling right now ...that is very surprising but you have a really good smile you should smile more often it suits you" I say as he got into the car and I waved bye.


Weeks went by smoothly and Alexander and I were starting to get along just fine . The only girl I liked in the elite circle was Sam even though i knew she was a two faced bitch excuse my language but I knew what kind of person she was I could read her like a book thats why i kept her close. The only person I didn't like was Xander he was always starring at me for some odd reason or another he didn't even talk to me .

We had a monthly exam approaching everyone boosted about it , it was to determine the highest ranking in the school and from what I heard Alexander and Xander were the highest competitors .My brother however being the lazy bum he is did not bother himself but somehow still passed greatly. The rankings could not be corrupted no matter how much money you had.

No one could leave Academy under any circumstances and I found out that the hard way. Nick took me to his cadre where everyone was busy preparing for the exams that were approaching the very next day.

"You'll sleep in my room until the exams are over because you haven't moved in yet " he says as everyone were coming down one by one until they sat in the huge living room

" oh.. and I'm not cooking!"he deadpans as he makes his way downstairs like everyone else.

"But it's your turn Nick !" Gia says in an annoyed tone . I roll my eyes and sigh at how childish they were being .

"I'll cook " I say and all eyes turn to me . I gave them a questioning look" what ,I always did the cooking when we're younger since Nick was always very lazy to take care of me"I say as I walked into the kitchen and place my hands on the kitchen counter. Gia points me where everything stays and I made them Spaghetti Bolognese and we all ate.

"Who knew princesses could cook___?" Xavier says standing up from his seat and walking to the kitchen sink ." well goodnight everyone" he finishes off hurring up the stairs and soon everyone else following after him. Leaving me to do the dishes but luckily Alexander offered to help do them with me...

We talked about my good childhood moments and he told me his and he was really smiling genuinely smiling and not a smirking nor grinning . I took the plates in the top cabinet and when I turn I find him there standing with his tall perfect figure, his perfect jawline , and those eyes, could melt any girl away by just staring.Now I truly know what they meant when they say he is the real deal ... i smirk at how girly i was being and dont notice when e leans in and I widen my eyes then push him back .

"You're getting kinky dont you think" I remark , trying to keep the reaction my body's feeling haste . "You make things easy to forget " he says with a loud smirk on his face. I simply turn " Goodnight Alexander "I run up the staris with a warm smile on my face as I make my way to my brother's room.

Nick gave me one of his PJs which I couldn't fit in so I wore a oversized t-shirt he had that was big enough to cover my thighs and went to sleep next to him. Nick and I had always been really close ,I slept next to him since we were young at times when it rained he would hold me tight until morning.

I was always afraid of the thunder storms ... they brought memories i try to firget .

I turn in my sleep and notice that he was no longer on the bed .... I look around the room and notice him putting a bag away but I didn't pay much attention to it. Slim shady .

I woke up around 00:00 am since I was rather thirsty.. I made sure not to make noise so that Nick would sleep peacefully because like me we had sleeping problems . I walk down the stairs and stop midway hearing noises like shouting but softly...

"When were you gaonna tell me!" A drunk voice said, I figured it was Xavier .

"I'm sorry ok we both know what would happen if they knew what we did and I couldn't bring myself to kill a baby even though it was an unwanted infant. "Gia says her voice filled with tears. Before I can react I felt strong arms pull me back hard ...

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