Ei: okay... I see I said something that made you feel uncomfortable... and I'm sorry... I didn't mean too...

Geno:... it's.. okay... you didn't known...

He would have calm down.

Geno: sorry if I over reacted... I just...

Ei: you thought we would say something bad about you...?

He would nod his head.

Geno: let's say... I didn't have a good life... because of how I look and my abilities...

Yae: I'm sorry to hear that but I promise you. We're not like that.

She would walk over to him and give him a hug. Geno would slowly hug back.

Ei thought: what has he gone through...

She would then break the hug.

Yae: how was that cutie~?

Geno would then blush and back away.

Geno: IM 16!

Yae: oh~ I'm older than you. Were 17.

Geno:... shit...

Yae: come now~ don't be shy~

she would would then walk over to him and nibble on his ear. He would then squirm to try to get out of her grasp.

He would then teleport out of her grasp and hide behind Ei.

Yae: I'm only teasing~

Ei: enough yae... you going to make him pass out from all your "teasing"

Yae: aww~ I was beginning to have fun~ anyway. We'll be fine from this point cutie.

Geno would blush again. Then watch Ei hit yae miko on the head.

Ei: Enough...

Yae: okay okay! I'll stop. Cya around.

Geno would watch them leave and he would wave goodbye.

Geno:... I'm surprised they didn't ask for my number... *shrugs*

He would then leave to head back home. He would walk for a bit before encountering a woman looks identical to the purple haired girl from before.

Geno: Ei..?

???: hmm?

Geno would then realize that this wasn't Ei

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Geno would then realize that this wasn't Ei.

Geno: oh my bad. You look like someone I just met a couple minutes ago...

???: *chuckles* don't worry. Ei is actually my sister. My name is makoto.

Geno: makoto... why have I heard that name before...

Makoto: I'm raiden makoto.

Geno would then realize who was in front of him.

Geno: *bows* I'm sorry Ms raiden! I didn't know!

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