Chapter 23

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Back in Delhi that same day

He made his way back to the elevator. 32..31..30..29..28..27..26..25 he pressed the button for the elevator and was about to enter when he heard a familiar sound. One that he hadn't heard in years. He made his way to Room 26 and pushed the door open.

No way....

Chacha stood at the doorway, his feet planted there. He stared at a figure standing by the window, smoking a cigarette. He guessed the person couldn't hear him enter. Chacha was at a loss of words. 

Rocky's POV

I was standing looking outside the window, the press was swarming outside the hospital. "That bastard is lucky I left him alive, or else I would've sent him right back to his dad" I mumbled, sticking my cigarette in between my teeth. My body felt slightly sore as I hadn't got into a fight in years. All the while my mind was ticking, should I go back? Is it worth the pain of going back to the place were she was once? Where we once got married, Where we ate dinner every night, Where she used to sleep in my arms, Where she found out she was pregnant, Where she died. I knew going back would just shattered my already broken heart but I couldn't help thinking about Chacha and the people of Kgf. They need me. I heard the door open but I wasn't bothered to look back. It was probably the nurse, coming to do the check up, I thought. I blew out a puff of smoke from my cigarette when I heard someone call me. From my knowledge only 2 people called me that. One was my mother and the other was..

end of POV

"B...Beta" his voice quivered in shock. 

Chacha he thought. His body slowly turned to face the old man who had tears streaming down his eyes. "Rocky" he screamed and ran to hug him. Rocky hugged him biting back the tears in his eyes. 

"You...Your alive. Oh thank you god" he said. 

"Chacha sit down please" Rocky said sitting the man on the bed. 

"Beta.. where were you, how have you been?  Why didn't you return to us? How did you survive? Didn't Ramika kill you?" Chacha swarmed him with questions. 

"Whoa whoa, Chacha one at a time." Rocky chuckled. "Firstly Ramika Sen did shoot me. After I saw Reena die, I realised none of it is really worth it Chacha. She was my everything and because of this stupid gold business and power drive, she was killed right in front of my eyes. I had already gathered enough gold to fulfil amma's promise so I decided to bring it right back to her, in the depths of the ocean and return back to Reena but then a man called Ashok found me." he said. 

Chacha then remembered that he doesn't know that Reena is still alive an well in Kgf.

 "Beta actually" but then Rocky cut him of.

 "Let me finish Chacha, as I was saying that man found me and he kept me with him in Gujarat, I was in a coma for 9 months and since I woke up I have been living with him in Gujarat." Rocky said.

 "Well beta actually Re" Chacha started just to get interrupted by him once again. 

"Chacha I get what you mean but I.. its just that before I met her I had no one in my life. I had no purpose to live besides fulfil my mother's promise but after I met her, she showed me what it feels like to be loved and to be cared for. I just couldn't bring myself to come back. But I was aware that you were taking care of Kgf. Actually Ashok uncle's son visited Kgf a few years back. His name was Varun" Rocky said. 

"Beta you should come ba" 

"Chacha I'm not coming ba" Chacha had enough of his disrupting him

 "BETA REENA BETI IS ALIVE." Chacha screamed. 

glimmer of hope. the tale of Rocky and ReenaWhere stories live. Discover now