Hogwarts Express - Potter

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As they got out of Ollivanders, Harry felt movement near his right sleeve and he checked it. Diablo had slithered out and when Harry looked about, he wasn't there.

"Let's go, Mr. Potter. We need to head back, now." McGonagall broke his trance and he followed her.

Harry didn't know what all the fuss was about. No one looked bothered by a loose murderer and the Alley was busy as usual. There were all sorts of people. Apart from a hooded man and his big rough black dog, there were mostly eleven year olds with their parents to buy their school supplies. Just like Diablo had said, it was safe all right. And then, the big dog suddenly started heading his way.

Harry's heart raced but thankfully, the hooded owner pulled back the leash and quickly disappeared into the crowd.

Sure, he was in danger because the wizards had pets too, Harry let out a snicker and went back into the inn.


In the evening, Madam Malkin had visited me in his room and took his measurements. She was a quiet woman who took her work seriously. Immediately after taking his measurements, she took her leave.

Lying down on the bed that night, Harry felt like he'd lived a whole lifetime in the matter of just a month. A lot had happened; he had freed a snake who told him who he was. He'd gotten money out of an unknown person's account without getting caught. He'd met Professor Minerva Blimey McGonagall and now he had a wand.

It all felt too good to be real. But Harry knew it deep down; he belonged here more than anywhere else. For the first time in his life, he felt that he was finally going home.



"I told you to behave, Sirius." The hooded man barked at the harrowed handsome: "McGonagall was right there."

"I'm sorry. I couldn't stop myself."

"Well, it's alright. I'm planning an easy way out for you. So, just bear with me until tomorrow."

Sirius nodded. After which, the man said: "You can sleep here for the night. Don't leave the room until I come back. And when I do, you will be a free man."

Sirius smiled at him weakly. The cloak fell to the ground as an adder slithered out of it slowly.


"Now, Mr. Potter! All you have to do is just make a run for it and you'll be there." The bushy haired Professor Sprout assured him. She had come in place of Professor McGonagall who couldn't be there because of her duties. They were standing in between platforms 9 and 10. Harry's ticket said Platform 9.3/4 but there was no such thing, was there? According to Sprout, there was and it was right on the other side of a barrier between 9 and 10.

"Are you sure that it will work, professor." Harry was afraid when McGonagall assured him: "Yes, Potter. Now, get in there. I'm getting late, I'm afraid."

Hesitant at first, Harry started running at full throttle towards the wall until he was finally upon it. 'Oh ! this is going to hurt!' He thought but nothing happened and the next time he opened his eyes, he was on platform: "9.3/4"

He was relieved. This was what he'd signed up for.

*Wand movement?* It was Diablo who hissed from within Harry's right sleeve.

*In memory, check* Harry replied casually.






*Check!* Harry checked his pockets which had wand in the right and the trunk in the left.

Harry Potter and The House of The SnakeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora