Suddenly the big oaf let her go and moved the rope aside letting her pass. That was better. She had no idea why he had a change of heart.

Mirah shook her head at the bouncer before she made her way over to the group. She wasn't afraid, did not feel intimidated. Why did she ever feel scared? They were just people. Dumb ass people.

Atlas moved the woman who was literally stuffing her tongue down his throat aside as he looked at Mirah. She nodded her head at him.

"Well hello." Mirah said when everybody just sat there and stared at her. Like how rude... The least they could do was say hello. It was not polite to stare.

"What are you doing here?" Atlas finally spoke. She rolled her eyes at the jerk. He was such an asshole scaring her how he did. And he killed Harold. Just a big jerk.

"I want to tell you something." She nodded her head.

"Yeah?" He seemed amused. Had a glint in his dark eyes.

"Yep." Mirah nodded her head.

"Okay, about what?"

"Harold." She noticed his entire demeanour changed. He didn't look very happy, it was like he was not expecting her to say that at all. She gave him a yep, that's right look, she was so not afraid of him. Like she was so not scared of the idiot.

He called her over using his index finger and she scratched her nose before she walked over to him. She almost fell on somebody along the way. "Ouch..." She frowned when she hit the table. Atlas shook his head to himself before he said something to lady who was sitting almost on his lap. The lady got up and moved giving Mirah somewhere to sit. "Thank you..." Mirah was ever so polite.

Only when she was sitting beside Atlas did he say anything again. "You were saying..."

"What?" She had no idea what he was on about.

"Harold. Said you had something to say about Harold." Oh... Did she? She nodded her head now.

"Yeah, you killed him remember?" Idiot. Mirah grabbed the bottle of champagne off the table and looked for a cup. Um... She ended up drinking it straight from the bottle. It was delicious. "Oh wow, this is some good shit..." She said before she took another gulp.

"Dude, she's wasted..." She heard one of the men say aloud. That was just rude.

"No. No I'm not. I know shit man... I can tell you stuff..."

"Keep it shut." Atlas looked at her darkly.

"No. Don't you dare tell me what to do. You don't scare me... Actually... I am so not afraid of you." She said before she recalled having his card. "Oh..." She grabbed her phone and pulled out his card from the case. "Here... You left it at the club that night. Remember that night... The night where you were all like I did this to Harold and you need to know this... That night. Do you remember that night?"

Atlas squinted his eyes at her and took the card off her.

"Didn't use it." She said nodding her head. "Do you have a lot of money on it?"


"Oh... But well, I didn't use it. I kept it in case I would bump into you again. Guess what? I bumped into you..." She said nudging him with her shoulders. Atlas was looking at her like she was the oddest person alive. Whatever dude. "I think you are very attractive." She said wanting him to know he did not stand a chance with her. Ever. "Yeah, you are like superhot."

Mirah heard laughing and frowned.

"You flirting with my man?" One of the ladies spoke now. What? Mirah scratched her nose before she replied.

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