Kate couldn't believe the questions she is hearing. Ava suddenly became overprotective.

"Good, because my mommy used to be sad before

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"Good, because my mommy used to be sad before." Ava said. She stuck her pinkie out. "Do you pinkie promise that you will be nice and won't make her feel sad?"

 "Do you pinkie promise that you will be nice and won't make her feel sad?"

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"Of course, little darling." Jax smiled at Ava and his pinkie wrapped around hers.

"Okay." Ava seemed satisfied and their pinkies untangled from each other.

Nancy and Kate are stunned at the interaction happening between Ava and Jax. Both debated if they should stop it or let it continue.

"Did I pass the test?" Jax asked and waited for an approval.

"Did I pass the test?" Jax asked and waited for an approval

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Ava grinned at him. "Yes, Mr.Teller."

"Ava, you're tough little cookie." Jax mentioned.

Ava giggled at him. "Mr.Teller, what happened to your hair?"

"I decided to get a haircut. My hair got too long. I decided it was time to change it." Jax ran his hand over his hair. "Your mommy actually did the haircut."

Ava turned her head to the side and looked at Kate. "Mommy, Mr.Teller's hair is gone." She dramatically mentioned. "He looks different."

Kate decided that she had to end their interaction and walked toward them. Jax looked up and his eyes are filled with amusement from the conversation and seeing Kate approach them. She picked up Ava and held her. "Ava, I hate to cut into your conversation with Mr.Teller, but he and I have to go on our date." Kate said while she looked at Jax.

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