Chapter 5

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It has been about a week since Jax saw Kate at the auto shop. He was once again quiet during his shifts and Martin sensed that it wasn't a good idea to bring up the topic of Kate.

"This one's done." Jax said to Martin about the task he got done completing just now.

"Good. Do you want me to bring the keys to the customer or..." Martin hesitantly began to ask.

"It's fine. I'll do it." Jax said.

"Uh, all right." Martin said. "I was thinking of taking my lunch break, unless you want to go first."

"You go ahead. I'll take it in about an hour."Jax said and walked out of the mechanic's area.


"So, give me the details." Nancy said.

"What details?" Kate asked. She's enjoying her break until her next customer arrives which will be in forty five minutes. She's sitting on the chair where the customer would normally sit on. She's drinking an iced tea.

"Are you really going to make me beg?" Nancy let out a laugh.

"I don't even know what you're asking me." Kate said.

Nancy let out a long dramatic sigh. "You finally saw the new guy. Tell me everything that happened."

"There's not really much to tell. He's a mechanic at Adam's auto shop. I went there because stupid me forgot to turn off her headlights and my car needed an oil change." Kate mentioned.

"Really? That's all you have to say?" Nancy's face scrunched up in confusion.

"Come on, best friend. Don't torture me with the latest update on Mr.Blonde." Nancy said.

"Mr.Blonde?" Kate lifted an eyebrow in confusion.

"It's a nickname I've given him. No one really seems to know much about him, maybe except Allison. He's been staying at her Inn since he arrived." Nancy explained.

"Then he's in good hands. You know how Allison is basically like everyone's surrogate mother." Kate said.

"She sure is and she never wants her customers to leave." Nancy said. "I think the longest record for a customer staying there was almost five months. Now, stop changing the subject and tell me what did you think of him?"

Kate shrugged her shoulders. "For a first impression there's not much I can point out about him. He definitely seems like the strong silent type. It's hard to get a read on him. If Adam hired him to work at the auto shop, then he probably knows what he is doing when it comes to cars. He is a good looking man. I'm not denying that."

Nancy got a big smile on her lips and twisted Kate's comment. "Oh honey, he definitely knows what he's doing. Even Old Betty can't resist him."

Kate couldn't hold her laughter about Betty. "It seems that he has made an impression on her. Her granddaughter told her that the new guy looks like he could be on a Harlequin book cover." She recalled.

"Her granddaughter hit the nail on the head. With his hairstyle, absolutely one hundred percent yes. You just want to run your fingers through that hair. I hope he never cuts it." Nancy said.

"Your rant is going nowhere." Kate said.

"It is most definitely going somewhere." Nancy corrected. "You need to get that man before someone else does. A man like him won't stay single for long."

"Nance, it's not that simple. I can't just approach a man. I've got Ava to consider. I can't just bring random men at my house. I don't want her to get attached to someone who will leave not long after he sees that we're a package deal."

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