I know it won't shrink her tumor but it's the only way I know how I can take care of her.

For the few days I was staying here at her house, I was not getting much sleep. Alex would scream most of the time because of the pain.

I remember those nights vividly, each one heavier than the last. Alex, writhing in pain, her screams piercing the silence. I'd hold her close, feeling her anguish like a weight on my chest.

I'd stroke her hair, whispering words of comfort into the darkness. But nothing could ease her suffering. All I could do was stay with her, my heart breaking with every cry.

When she finally fell asleep, exhausted from the battle, I'd lie awake, lost in my thoughts. Tears streamed down my face as I replayed the scene in my mind. I felt powerless, unable to do anything but be there for her.

"What are you thinking?" 

I was startled to hear Alex's soft voice. Her hand reached up to my face, her fingers caressing the contour of it.

"You." I whispered.

"Kiss me, Cara."

I didn't wait for her to repeat it, I leaned over and kissed her.

"I love you." I said in between kisses.

"You better." She smiled and kissed me again.


On my way to the office, I called Annie, Alex's nurse, and checked with her if Alex had fallen asleep already. 

I have instructed her also to give her the folders I kept on the table for her to read later once she's awake.

We're giving her minor work so that she would feel normal even if she was tied to her bed. She'd call the office from time to time and still order people around.

As I approached the ninth floor, Brian was already waiting for me.

"How is she today?" He said in a low voice. 

The people here don't know what is happening, they only know that Alex is traveling hence her Dad taking over in the meantime.

"Still the same. Are we still on for later?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming. I just have one meeting then would go straight there."

I nodded at him before we went our separate ways.

The morning was super busy, I attended three meetings and took the minutes for them. I helped Lisa to catalog the proposals made by the department from last year till date and digitalized them.

By lunch time, I went home to Alex.

Even though I know she was okay as per Annie, I still want to see and check on her. 

She was asleep when I came, the folders were on her chest. I took them and fixed her blanket.

"Have you eaten, Ms. Cara?" Annie asked as soon as I fly down the stairs, she was in the kitchen.

"Mrs. Williams passed by and brought all these food." She continued.

"You know what, yeah, I'm hungry." I went to the kitchen and prepare a plate for me.

We both start eating.

"You'll wake her up in the next hour, right?" I asked.

"Yes, all her meds are already prepared."

"Give her some fruits to eat, Annie. Force it on her if you can, or call me if she didn't want to have them."

"Will do, Miss." She said smiling.

I glanced up the stairs like I could see Alex from where I was sitting.


"Yes, Miss?"

"Have you, umm... Have you taken care of someone similar to Alex's case?" I gazed upon Annie's confused eyes.

"You mean... What do you mean, Miss. Cara?" I watched as she swallow what seemed to be a big lump in her throat, pushing back whatever she was gonna say.

"Uhh... uhh, terminal, terminal case, like her." I stutter. That word sure so hard to come out from my mouth.

"Yes." Annie stared at me like she was trying to see if I can take it.

My eyes grew hot and not sure if I will be able to ask her my next question. 

I swallowed multiple times as there seemed to be blockage in my throat. I could feel the knot tightening in my chest, but I need to know.

"Did they die?"


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