Fame isn't the only thing that matters📸 | Rajbow (angst to fluff+highschool AU)

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No one could ever stand up to Bowie. He is considered as the popular kid in this school. If you gossip about him, his fans will find out about it. He gets even called: „The king of drama" by others. Bowie is indeed the first openly gay student in this school, although he hasn't shown any feelings for other popular boys. However, there was a boy adoring the drama king. His name was Rajesh. Even if he wasn't as popular as Bowie he was well-known in his town for winning against other great teams with his. He is an awesome hockey player and a crucial part of his team. His teammates would never play without him. His dearest best friend, Wayne, who is also a unit on the team has been supporting him the first day he met him.
At the present moment, him and Wayne were sitting on benches placed right next to their class, waiting for the first period to begin.
"What subject do we have now, Rajie?"Wayne curiously asked.
Rajesh did not respond. He was staring at a tall boy with a low taper fade, (imagine if ninja got a low taper fade ⁉️😔🙏) wearing green jeans and a purple, short t-shirt.
"Bowie?"He reacted to Raj's admiration."You like him, eh?"
Raj immediately looked right into his eyes, scratching his head.
"Well uhh.. yeah, but you promise you won't tell anyone?" He begged, clenching his fists is anxiety.
"Pinky swear?" Wayne suggested.
"Pinky swear."
They felt someone's presence near their swear, like if someone was standing and observing while they did it. It turned out to be true. Bowie was watching them pinky swearing, however he didn't approach them early enough to hear what it was about. Behind Bowie, a crowd of his fans were accompanying him, also staring deeply into the hockey bros.
"Seriously?" He scoffed. „Pinky swear? How old are you two? 7? And sitting ON MY SEAT?"
"Well sorry, we didn't know it was YOUR seat, bro!" Raj tried to explain it to Bowie, without offending him. "What are you so mad about? We can move somewhere else if you want to!"
"Excuse me?" Bowie snapped"Just move already, you shouldn't have ever sat here in the first place"
"He said that He's sorry" Wayne wanted to help him in the argument."Geez, why you gotta be so tough, man?"
"Wayner, don'-" Raj added before he was interrupted by the drama king.
"GET OUT OF MY SIGHT." He screamed like a child.
Raj grabbed Wayne's hand and walked away at a quick speed. They switched seats to another bench on the other side of the door. Bowie, noticing where they've gone, turned backside to them, sighing.
"This is going to be hard for you, man" Wayne tried to cheer him up. "Don't worry, I'll be there for ya whenever you fail"
Raj looked directly into his forest green eyes.
"Thanks, brah" Raj said, making their secret handshake with Wayne.
A long bell ringing has brought everyone's attention. Everyone started to wait patiently for their teacher.
It didn't last much until she came.
The mathematics teacher - a short, thin lady looking like an innocent person, although her real personality and approach to students was something quite opposite, has opened the door for everyone to come inside.
As everyone took their seats, the teacher calmly sat, wandering with her sight around the students.
"So as I remember.." She began. I promised you, someone is going to solve a quiz... Who wants to come to the board?"
No one has volunteered. The teacher noticing, she decided to pick someone. Raj already knew it was going to be him by her glare. She didn't even have to say she was going to choose herself, because her facial expressions had it written.
"Maybe one of the backbencher boys?" She suggested, talking to herself."Raj, maybe you?"
Raj fell silent for a couple of seconds, while every backbencher stared at him, including Bowie.
"Sure, miss."
He stood and walked over to the board unconfidently. Waiting and hoping for her not to give a hard question, the teacher was searching the entire book for a perfect quest to solve for him.
She showed him a task to solve the value of X in Vertical angles. (IDK GURL IM TRASH IN MATHS)
While Raj was slowly thinking and attempting to solve it, Bowie was whispering to Emma, probably about If he was doing it right. They were chuckling quietly, which has meant that Raj was about to get a solid F.
He has finally decided that the equation he wrote will be the final one. He turned face-to-face to the lady, causing her to glance on the board.
"Really?" She said surprisingly not madly. "81:9=8? How about I give you a second chance by giving you a different question?"
Raj nodded. She showed him a different question, this time it being geometry. He had to calculate the area in cm² of a polygon given under the question.

After he solved the task the teacher looked again.

"It is correct, however I will slightly lower your grade because of the time it took and also it being your second chance" "You're getting a B-. You can go back to your desk."
So he did. Seeing Bowie quietly scoffing, he turned kind of upset. The drama king has turned around on the chair.
"Are any of you going to the hockey game?"Bowie whispered. "And who will you cheer on?"
Bowie had no clue Wayne and Raj are one of the players, even if other people from outside of their school do. He didn't really care what was going on with these two, caring only about his fans and himself.
"I'm by team Snow Owls, What about you?"
"We.. uhh.. we also stand by them, yeah.."Raj shyly said, feeling like his heart got warmed up. He couldn't believe what Bowie just said.
"Anybody got a favourite player? Maybe a crush...?" He asked, curiously glaring. "I heard that 8 plays really well.."
Raj widened his eyes. He wondered what could happen after the match. Would Bowie find out that Raj, the boy he always underestimated was his favorite player on the team?
"Yeah! I agree, I've always loved when he played perfectly, after which scored an amazing goal!-"
Out of nowhere the bell has rang again

After school, right before the match. [16:56]

Waiting for the match to start, everyone sitting impatiently already in their seats, Bowie has noticed that somebody is missing.
"Where are these two inseparable jerks?" He whined, even if he didn't care about them that much. "They said they'll be here!"
Said boy was prepared to come out on the ice pitch, standing right next to the entrance.
"Imagine what Bowie is going to say if he sees me" Raj said, excited, feeling a strong shudder.
A voice has spoken through the loudspeakers, calling out the two teams on the ice pitch.
Bowie, observing the player, has noticed something familiar to what he has seen today. Player 8 he was talking about is indeed Rajesh! Because of this, Bowie's opinion on that boy has heavily changed. He felt his heart perpetually beating, reacting to the fact that the player he always loved and adored was revealed to be him. His feelings for him increased a lot in such a small amount of time. He decided that an apology for the way he treated him before is required, so he planned to confess to him and apologize right after the match.
During them playing, Bowie leaned on his arms, bearing his head in his hands, strongly blushing and following Raj with his sight. Emma, who was sitting right next to him noticed his reaction to Raj as a hockey player, but she hasn't said anything, only seeing how in love he looks.

The Match ends [20:03]

Bowie, carefully watching which way does Raj walk away, follows him there.
"Where are you going?" Emma said, grabbing his hand. "The exit for rooters is the other way!"
"Wait for a second. I'll come back in a while" He responded, going to Raj.
In a hurry, he ran to the players and immediately recognized his favorite, by a number 8 on his helmet
"Wait!"Bowie reached his arm to Rajesh's shoulder, turning him face-to-face. "Please forgive me for how I have treated you and forget every offence I've used against you"
"What do you mean?"
"I was thinking so wrong about you.. when I saw you play that well and I noticed that it was really you.. I've regretted it so much.." He said softly, grabbing Raj's cheeks."Rajie... I love you"
"Wha- Really?"
"Really." He whispered, after which gave Raj a peck on the forehead

1475 words 💃💃💃💃
It felt kinda long while I was writing this
Req - minaxsq
That's for u gurllll 🤪🤪🤪
Next is probs going to be Shasmine or Gwent or maybe a different req if anybody will give me idk, depends on my mood lol

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