I'm so fucking stupid.

I somehow convinced my legs to run, almost full force back to my dorm.

I flung my door open, causing Pansy to jump off her bed. My legs, instantly gave out. Partially from exhaustion, the other from the pure panic pulsing through my veins.

"YN!" she screamed, running over to me, "YN! holy fucking shit. Breath. What the fuck happened?!" I never heard her so panicked.

"Pans-" I gasped.

"Yn, let me help you, please. Breath. Tell me what happened." her eyes were begging.

"Call- call Matt. Pleas-" I could barely understand my self.

"Mattheo did this?!"

"PANS- I lied. To him." I said in-between breaths, "Call him and tell him- I- I- need him. The texts- tell him the text- Pan- NOW!" Were the only words I could manage.

"Okay!" She huffed, running to get her phone, and quickly putting it to her ear.

"Mattheo... Its bad... No, yn. She's on the floor, she can't breath... Fucking Anthony? No!.. Matt, she's been getting a bunch of weird messages... someone following her... no... Matt she's really fucking bad I don't... yes its open.. Mattheo I'm not-" her words were cut off by him flinging the door open.

It took him all of four minutes since he answered the phone to get to our dorm. He didn't even bother closing the door.

He ran straight up to me, throwing his arms around me.

"Yn... Pretty girl, you have to fucking breath." he whispered, shoving my head in his chest.

"Matt- I'm so fucking sorry I-"

"Shut up and breath. I need you to calm down so you can tell me what the fuck is going on. Im not mad at you. I'm right here." Its amazing, how a few words from his lips could bring my world back to a center.

I took a long breath, gathering my self. It look several minutes, before I was calm enough to speak again, but he waited. He stayed, kneeled on the floor, gripping me in his arms like his life depended on it.

"Okay, now I want you to start from the beginning." he lifted my head to look at him.

"Here." I whispered, handing him my phone with the messages, "I have a conversation with Anthony on there as well, I met up with him because I thought it was him. Its not."

He slowly grabbed the phone from my hands, I watched the anger grow deeper and deeper in his eyes as he kept reading the messages.

"Why the fuck didn't you tell me?" he locked my phone, placing it next to him and stood.

"Mattheo, don't use that tone with her, look at her! She's scared shitless!" Pansy interrupted.

"Yn, you should've told me from this first message. I could've helped you. I wouldn't have left your side. I would've-" his words cut off. "I would've found this fucker and ended it in a second."

"Matt, I didn't know what to do, I was fucking scared!" My voice cracked.

"And  why would you listen to them and lie to me?" I couldn't read his facial expressions. He was pacing my dorm, he looked like he wanted to flip this school upside down.

"Because I didn't know what they would do to me!" This time, I lost it again.

"Yn, I would never fucking let anything happen to you!" His voice raised, "get up. Come here."

"What the fuck are we going to do?" I whispered, crying again into his chest.

"We're going to play along. We're going to get this fucker out of hiding, and then we're going to make them regret them ever being fucking born." I heard the threats in his words. They weren't empty promises, "until then, I'll be staying here. We'll take care of the door, and we'll walk to classes together. The whole group."

"Matt I can't-"

"We should tell them." He quickly said.

"About the text or us?" I pulled my self away from his chest.

"Both. But right now, just the text. We'll say it's just been photos of you, and then following you. That way we'll have more eyes out." His expression slowly softened. "I'm not leaving you alone, yn."

"Okay, we'll tell them." I nodded, sitting on my bed. "Matt, who told you I was with Anthony?" I almost stopped breathing.

"No one. Draco and I walked passed on our way to our next class. I seen it with my own eyes." He scoffed.


I was praying to Merlin, the answer was right in front of us.

A loud ding from my phone, broke the silence.

I flinched.

Mattheos face grew stiff at how uncomfortable a simple text tone made me.

"Who is it?" He spat.

I looked down.

"It's them." I sighed.

"Give me." He ordered, snatching the phone out of hands.

8:08 p.m

Did you tell him?

You told me not to.

You listen well.

You're lucky I didn't.
He'd hang you from the astronomy tower.

I'm not afraid of Mattheo Riddle.

You should be.
Just tell me what the fuck it is you want with me.

Don't you get it?


He doesn't deserve you.
I do.

I don't even know who you are.

That isn't important.
I know him, truly know him.
He doesn't deserve a girl like you.
I do.
Ask him about his past.
How he treats girls.
I know you know.
You don't deserve to be treated like that.

Then come forward
Show me who you are
And why I should be with you instead.

One day.
But just know.
If I can't have you,
No one should.

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