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L.hee: first time using Instagram

The minute I posted that, I put my phone down to do the dishes

20 minutes into the dishes, I finished and went to Instagram only to be greeted by messages running across here and out

I've been living with my strict parents for my whole life, I have been home schooled ever since I was born, my parents don't allow me to go anywhere else other than my cousin's house

I remember me and my best friend when we were 6, we promised not to leave each other and marry each other, but when my mom found out, we had to start a new life on a new complex

Now that I got my own phone and an apartment, now I just need to start school and I will take it from there

I looked at the comment section and saw all the comments


-wow, you look so pretty

Sunsun: nah, where do you even live, like if you actually live in Korea

Seokmin: omdz, hee you got insta, finally

L.hee: @sunsun I live in Korea, why😅😅

L.hee: @seokmin yeah, I bought myself a phone from my savings

Seokmin: that's good

Seokmin: are you allowed to come to skl now?

Lee.hee: yh, I applied and they accepted me

Seokmin: which one?

Lee.hee: transition of life Korean college

Seokmin: your coming with me tomorrow, imma come to pick you up

Lee.hee: thank you Seokie

Realife: you just look cute

Jakie: omdz you look pretty, and your coming to my college

Wonnie: so you are the one we are waiting for?

I sighed and putted my phone down, I saw news on the tv and decided to just watch an English geography link that my tutor sent me

My apartment complex isn't that small so I could fit like 3 people in here

It reached 8:30 and my eyes started getting sleepy


"Cunt just give me some money" I said to my friend, he laughed and gave me 50 dollars

"Yaa, we have to go back home soon" I nodded and went to get a drink

"Hey can I get alcohol free drink?" I said, but I was interrupted with a very beautiful lady Infront of me


HEEHOON❤️❤️ ONESHOTSМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя