The day I knew of him.

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I stood there , as my family started to sing the famous birthday song. The one and only , 'Happy birthday'. I know for some this is an awkward moment , but I don't mind it. Well , atleast not for my 16th birthday. this means a whole new chapter is starting in my life. I get to drive , I have my IGCSE coming up. life is about to be a whole lot more stressful. but life isn't life without a little pain along the way.

  Before I could go back to reality from my daydreaming , I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see it was my mum , gesturing for me to blow out the candles. Only then did I realised the song had ended minutes ago and the flame on the numbered candles still hasn't been blowed out.

  "make your wish , love." my mother whispers to me. I nodded my head slowly , turning my head to the cake my mother and sisters had baked earlier. I closed my eyes , and started to wish. Wait.. what do I wish for? I don't feel the need to want something more.. I took a deep breath after deciding on what to wish.

  "I wish to become a star one day." I said softly in my heart , blowing out the candles. A wave of applause echoed the cozy living room as my mother rubs my back lovingly. I couldn't help myself from stupidly smiling in such a weird way.

  My small family relaxed in the living room, eating the birthday cake while we chatted away happily. The clock hits 11 p.m. , meaning my birthday will soon be over in an hour.

  I helped with the dishes before coming up to my room. I closed the door behind me as I was met with a gust of wind from my window looking out to the garden. has that always been open?.. I noticed a small envelope on my desk along with a small box next to it that looks like it was wrapped delicately with care.

  I didn't think much of it , approaching my desk as I took the box in my hand. My eyes then wandered to the envelope. "cute." , I thought to myself. it must be one of my three little sisters who have this. I'm honestly impressed with how well decorated the gift is , given it's covered in my favourite coloured bows. yellow bows. It was one of those gifts you could tell a little girl prepared it.

  without much thought , I opened the envelope to reveal a small note that reads ,

  "Happy sweet 16th , my star. I hope you enjoy every moment of your life. Through the good and bad , I will always be here , supporting you silently on the sides."

  I blurred , reading the notes over a few times. something was wrong. really wrong. First , nobody I know has ever called me star. Second , my sisters doesn't write in this writing style. they would've wrote something like 'i hope you get a boyfriend soon' just to tease me. And last , this isn't any of my sisters handwriting!

  my mind recalled the moment I wished on the candle. "I wish to be a star one day". the words echoed in my mind over and over. did the universe heard my wish and decided to make it come true? in less than an hour!? but that doesn't make sense!

  I realised the small wrapped box was still in my hands. the yellow bow on top was making it really tempting for me to open it.. but I watched enough true crimes to know that this probably contains one of the few things. a knife , or a bomb. my hand was itching to just open the small box as I stared at it intensely. my mother always says , "curiosity kills the cat." but what is life without a little curiosity , a little risk?

  after a little contemplating , I decided on myself to open it. if I die , atleast I'd die on a happy day. I carefully undid the ribbon , slowly ripping off the wrapping paper . I opened the top of the box , as it reveals a gold bracelet with a small star pendant on it. huh , maybe this was why the unknown writer called me star.

  I put it on , admiring how gorgeous it looks. the way it shines subtly under the light. it was perfect. I smiled sheepishly to myself. I didn't even realised my cheeks were blushing at this point. I couldn't help but daydream , wondering what it's like to know this unknown writer.

Then the day ends. that was what's left of   what I remembered the first time I got the letters..

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