
Beginne am Anfang

"give me a break," i told maeve during a passing period. we had just gotten back from december recess. i was so exhausted, and the passing periods were the only rest we really got in the school days. they're only five minutes long. "i don't feel like listening to people constantly talk about this imaginary celebrity new kid. i just want to go to sleep."

"exactly," she said. "can you pinch me, just to wake me up? coffee didn't even help this morning." i obliged with ease. she jumped. "fuck! what'd you do that for," she said through chuckles.

our next class was together, ap world. probably the worst class i've put myself through. it's the bane of my existence, and oh my gosh, the teacher. mr fennel definitely is super competitive in a competition over who can stress students out the most with my chemistry teacher, mrs fennel. i'm all for romance, but not when their two evilnesses combine to make actual hell.

speaking of romance, i haven't kissed anyone since jake in sixth grade. i guess because there's no good guys in my school. the only male i enjoy the company of here is my cousin, jordyn. he's always there to make me laugh. it's nice having him live so close by, he's almost like a brother. in fact, he promised to help maeve and i film, and that he would convince his friends to act in it if needed.

the bell rang just as we walked inside. we sat down at our usual table in the back of class. we had grown sick of the throwing of rolled up pieces of paper in our vicinity, so back here we were safe. somehow mr fennel's scary voice didn't seem to make the "class clowns" stop their antics.


the school days dragged by and the new year didn't seem to bring anything new for me. just the same old, same old. it was friday by the time i had some energy again. maeve and i planned to have a sleepover that saturday, where we would binge watch the twilight series, after doing our homework, of course. she wanted me to hear her out on robert pattinson, which i never ended up getting.

"you're so uncultured! you haven't seen half the cute celebrities out there." we sat on the couch in her living room, wearing matching pajamas.

"not true. i've watched, like, every movie there is," i defended myself with.

"that's not a valid argument. actors aren't the only famous people," she said. "tell me, y/n, who is the cutest singer you've seen."

i had to think for a moment. "ryan gosling?"

"he's also an actor!"

"okay, you got me there," i said. "but you have to admit that actors are the hottest type of celebrity."

"nope, but suit yourself. you've obviously never seen harry styles."

"um, i have. we watched eternals together, remember?"

"oh, yeah! wouldn't he be perfect as caleb." she attempted to cajole me, delusionally.

"we already discussed that caleb is supposed to be cute."

"true, and we also discussed that you would be playing his love interest," she scoffed. "i would never let you steal my man."

i hesitated. "when are we actually gonna film that? it's been so long since we talked about it like it wasn't some wattpad fanfic."

"hey! my fanfics are film adaption worthy," she gushed. "have you not read my wolfstar fic? it's a masterpiece."

"maeve, i'm serious," i said.

she stared at me, her eyes reflecting the bright blue light from the paused eclipse on the screen. "girl, i don't know!"

i rolled my eyes. "that's what you said last time. i'm getting impatient and our film equipment is getting dusty."

𝙢𝙮 𝙚𝙮𝙚𝙨, 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙚𝙮𝙚𝙨 ( 𝙬𝙖𝙡𝙠𝙚𝙧 𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙗𝙚𝙡𝙡 )Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt