I tried to call Marcus's attention but he wasn't looking. Axe was too focused in his scope. I decided to figure it out myself. I pan a bit more to the right. When I couldn't see the person again I chose to move two more. I crouched over to marcus and he was focused as well.

"Did you see them?" I whispered.

He nods.

Micheal finally comes back and crouches down next to me.

"We are about to get contacted." Michaeal admit.

"I'm fucking ready." Marcus admit.

"How fucking fast are these guys?" Micheal asked.

"Fast." I nod.

"What are you thinking?" He asked.

"I'm thinking we're about prepared to get in a pretty good gunfight." I admit.

"Copy that." He nods.

"Looks like I voted wrong." Marcus admit.

"Don't say that." I whispered

"Negative." Micheal admit.

"We just got the opportunity to make absolutely fucking strong contact with our from the other side. I would say job well done." He admit.

"Hoo-yah to that sir." Marcus smiled.

"Danny." Micheal whispered into radio.

"Get ready to fight." He warned.

"Hey mikey?" Marcus called out.

"Yeah bud?" He asked.

"I'm about ready to punch that time card." Marcus admit.

"Do it on your count." Micheal whispered back.

My back pressed up against a tree, inventorying my ammo. Danny, Axe, Murphy were all doing the same readying for war I was a bit nervous but at this point I wasn't going to die. Axe and danny sneak quick looks of their wives pictures tapped inside their helmets.

"You ready?" Micheal asked.

"Ready." I nod placing a kiss on his lips.

I could feel a trap tightening around all of us. All of us focused up hill. I wanted to get then bad. There was a tree at least twenty feet in front of me.

There was A flash of a turban man. When I saw a glimpse of him again there was a Glint of an AK Barrel pointed in my direction. My eyes on glass, still as marble; my gun was Aimed at the tree. I got in ready position as I had eyes on my target as well. He was standing right in front of me just a few feet away. Although he clearly didn't know how to hide very well. I look over my shoulder at Micheal whose gun was also pointed at that tree. My eyes go back on the scope.

"Hey micheal?" I asked.

"Yes moore?" He answered.

"How much do you want to bet I can make this a headshot?" I whispered.

"You wish." He smiled.

"Fine." I nod.

"Is that a green light?" I whispered.

"Moore if you miss that shot.. it's war." He admit.

"I never miss." I nod.

I remove my clutch and press the button. With my finger on the trigger I wait for the perfect moment. He began raising his gun and that's when I closed one eye and pointed the nose of my gun at him. I fire once blowing the man's head off. He still wasn't down by then so I shot him a second time in his chest.

𝑭𝑶𝑹𝑩𝑰𝑫𝑫𝑬𝑵 𝑩𝑨𝑻𝑻𝑳𝑬| 𝐓𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐨𝐫 𝐊𝐢𝐭𝐬𝐜𝐡Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora