Chapter 10 Age of the Ulysses of Chaos Part 1 the wars against Chaos

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As the battle between the English and French begins both sides would see the sky darken then a hooded figure wearing a mask appears while wielding a scythe and would cut down soldiers from both side. Glasdale who been given an new assignment from the English would be there when the ulysses of chaos arrived to begin the Slaughter, the mask man would cut down soldiers from both sides which would lead both the English and the French to join forces only to fight the masked man who Glasdale fires at only the masked man to break the arrow but not before it made a crake in the mask which would cause the mask to break revealing a face everyone never wanted to see again. Enlil would then explain to both sides how he had return by using the elixir inside Montmorency's body to create a magic circle in order to create a new body for himself with new powers which he would use to get his revenge. During the battle Enlil the reaper which is what he calls himself would keep cutting down soldiers from both side with some from both the English and French trying to fight back but only getting either killed or mortally wounded then Jeanne would enter the battle trying to save the lives of the soldier of both sides but would get cut in half while protecting an English soldier but not before she landed a critical blow which was the severing one of Enlil's arms which would lead him to retreat for now but before he retreated Enlil would state that the scythe Enlil was wielding was covered in poison which can even kill ulysses which is do to Enlil's ability which is called slayer which basically means he can kill any regardless if they are ulysses or not then leaving the battle in a cloud of smoke. The battle would end in a cease fire as both sides would tend to their wound and for the French would mourn the death of Jeanne which the English soldiers also paying their respect to her because during the battle she was fighting to protect the lives of not just the French but the English as well. Later that night both sides would hold a funeral for Jeanne where the people who were closest to her such as Montmorency, Richmont, Charlotte and La Hire. The four people who were the closest with Jeanne were surprised to English soldiers attending Jeanne funeral to which the English command would speak up saying during the battle with Enlil Jeanne had yet to unsheathe her sword only until she fought against Enlil to which Montmorency explain ever since she join the French arm she had not once unsheathe her sword because even though she wanted to protect France she was not will to kill because she didn't was to become any like the soldiers who killed her sister. In this timeline Jeanne would die as a martyr for humanity in stead of of a heretic which would have be proven to be false. After Jeanne's funeral lord Bedford would request an armistice with France in order to deal with Enlil to which Montmorency urges queen Charlotte to agree because he would explain Enlil won't stop till all of humanity is in a mass grave which includes not just France and England all of the Catholic kingdoms as well as the Eastern Orthodox kingdoms, the Jewish people and the Islamic people. Hearing Enlil goal horrified everyone realizing that no will spare from Enlil wrath weather they be man, woman or child not even the old, the sick, the infirm or even the innocent. Enlil also does not care about what statues one has because he will slaughter all of humanity. Understanding Enlil plans to destroy all of human everyone nows that they will have to work together to defeat Enlil the reaper but know both English and French are going to find it difficult to work together but then Blanche the white ulysses would appear to rally both the French and English help them realize that if they fail to work together to defeat Enlil it won't matter what both sides had done during the war because in the end no one would care about kingdoms that no long exist, truly understand what is at stake both the English and the French would rally behind Blanche in order to fight Enlil. Later Montmorency and Blanche would meet with Glasdale to talk about Montmorency's secrete plan. Glasdale would agree to meet but was cautious, when he met with Montmorency and Blanche Glasdale was surprised to see Richmont ,La Hire and queen Charlotte was there and would also be curious about three other women who he didn't recognized to which Montmorency would introduce two of them as Astaroth and Catherine who was going by Vénus but would surprised to learn that the third woman was Philip. Montmorency would explain the ladies before him have become ulysses then would be shocked we Blanche removed her helmet revealing that it was Jeanne shocking him because he had seen Jeanne die at the hand of Enlil to which Montmorency would explain that the Jeanne that died was her homunculus which Montmorency used to fake her death because he would reveal that in one future she would have been burnt as a heretic by the English thus is the reason why Montmorency limited her powers until the first battle with Enlil so not make everyone believe that Jeanne gain some strange powers from making a deal with the devil now as far as the world is concerned she died a virgin maiden with her purity in tacked and a martyr for humanity. Montmorency would make the same offer he had made to the Richmont, Charlotte, Philip and Catherine/Vénus which was to become a ulysses and become immortal at least for a longer life. Early the ladies that had become ulysses learn that after create Enlil the reaper the immortality they have will only last six hundred years if the don't face any fatal injuries or get infected by any virus that can kill a ulysses. After thinking over for a few minutes Glasdale decides to take Montmorency up on his offer to become a ulysses, he would then hear the plan to kill Enlil the reaper while at first Glasdale, Richmont, Charlotte, Jeanne and La Hire were against it but would eventually agree while they don't like the plan. The next morning the leaders of the French and the English would meet in order to create a battle plan to defeat Enlil the reaper, then suddenly a messenger from Aragon and Castile when asked what the message was about it's revealed that Enlil has attacked both kingdoms  which just confirmed what Montmorency said Enlil goal is to kill all of humanity which gave the more reason to have the French and English work together, Montmorency would explain a plan that he had come up with that should defeat Enlil which was to find the only weapon that can true kill a ulysses. Montmorency would explain that during his studies and train for the last seven years he would come across an alchemist document that talks about a weapon that was forged around the time the Philosipher Stone were created, the man who created the anti-ulysses weapon would be known by many names over the centuries but to the Cristians he is called Azrael, hear that the angle of death create the anti-ulysses weapon they realize the weapon Montmorency is the blade of Azrael, everyone in attendance were shocked after learning that Montmorency plans to use a weapon of the angle of death, Montmorency would explain the creation story of Azrael's blade, believing Azrael that any future ulysses could become corrupt from the power of Philosipher Stone which would lead him to create a weapon to kill any ulysses and would also give any ulysses pierce by the blade a fate worse then death, the blade of Azrael was given a terrifying ability which was to send the victims of the blade into oblivion which is how the blade of Azrael got it's nickname as the soul eater because Azrael blade would also would have the ability to strengthen the wielder every time they kill someone with Azrael's blade, Montmorency would also explain while researching Azrel's blade he learn that Azrael place a horrifying curse if any one other then Azrael wields the soul eater would be driven into a murderous frenzy killing everything and everyone the person holding the soul eater comes across. Everyone in attendance would question how wield such a terrifying weapon to which Montmorency explain he doesn't know were the weapon is but would then state we just need to make Enlil believe that we know were it is then explain that he also came across an formula made in ancient Greece during his studies/training, Montmorency would explain the formula he is about to talk about is of a form of liquid fire which is currently a well kept secret but he manage to learn the secret to create the liquid fire but can only make so much. After hearing his explanation everyone in attendance understood what Montmorency plan was which was to lure Enlil to an isolated location where the liquid fire wouldn't spread and have him burn alive because even ulysses can't survive when they are nothing but ashes. Everyone would then leave the meeting tent to get some sleep for the battle with Enlil, that tragedy would strike again, Montmorency would hear a noise which would lead him to Philip's tent and when he arrived he would find Philip bleeding out, Montmorency would call out saying Enlil is in the camp which alerted the whole camp, a few soldiers would arrive to Philip's tent to see if they can do any to save to which Montmorency would state their is nothing that can be done because the poison on Enlil scythe has no cure thus any one cut by the scythe's blade is dead within seconds. Just before Enlil attack Philip homunculus used it's doppelganger ability to create two of them one that would die by Enlil hands while the other would take up the mantle of the black ulysses Noire which after the battle with Enlil no one will ever see again. The next morning the soldiers of both side were readying themselves for the fight of their lives while Montmorency would meet with the leaders of both armies to discuss the final preparations specifically who would lure Enlil to the cave they have chosen for the trap and who would fight Enlil to make it look like they are biting time for the team to retreive Azrael's blade which would be made up of Montmorency, Noire, Glasdale and Xaintrailles. Montmorency would ask La Hire to stay close to Charlotte and lord Bedford and not get involved in the battle because he had learn the La Hire was pregnant not just the real La Hire but also her homunculus, this at first surprised the people Montmorency ask for their to help guide this world down a better path but for Montmorency wanted to see if ulysses can have children which is another reason why he give the aphrodisiac to La Hire which after learn the second reason why Montmorency gave her the aphrodisiac she would punch him in the stomach which Montmorency knew he deserved it but would then be shock when she hugged him then thanking for giving her a piece of the innocents she lost a long time age. The joint armies would ready themselves for Enlil as he charges at the joint armies. Two hours would pass which would lead Enlil to suspect something which is confirmed when hear her Richmont say to keep fighting until the others return with Azrael's blade that would grab Enlil's attention which would lead him to charge towards Richmont then cutting her down then charging toward Charlotte and Bedford kill them just Richmont. Enlil would track down where the group looking for Azrael's blade were. Enlil would arrive at the cave where the group looking for Azrael's blade were but he would find ulysses Blanche at the mouth of the cave waiting for him. Blanche's job was to stall Enlil until the group returned with Azrael's blade, Blanche would prove to be a challenge for Enlil because even though his scythe is coated with a poison that can kill even a ulysses with the holy grail Blanche is wear can even purge poison from the wears body, Enlil would then try to cut off Blanche's head but in fact was only to distract her enough so he could enter the cave to kill the group looking for Azrael's blade and would find them. Montmorency, Noire, Glasdale and Xaintrailles along with Astaroth would ready themselves as Enlil arrives. Enlil would arrive see three out of the five in the group would be attacking Enlil then asking Montmorency how much longer will it take to unlock the seal on Azrael's blade to which he states he need a few minutes. Noire, Glasdale and Xaintrailles would try to hold off Enlil long enough till Montmorency broke the seal on Azrael's blade but in reality Montmorency was finishing the liquid fire bomb. Enlil would then charge towards Montmorency manage to piece his body but Montmorency would fight the poison now in his body, Montmorency would then stout out saying Glasdale take the shoot which he fire but Enlil just laughs seeing that the arrow is going to miss him but the Montmorency would use his powers to stop the arrow close to his body which made Enlil curious but then see that the arrow is a flaming one also seeing  something in Montmorency's hand, Montmorency would use the last of his strength to bring the arrow towards the bomb which would explode swallowing everyone and everything in the cave in fire which Blanche would see because the explosion was strong enough that the flames were just four feet from the mouth of the cave not enough for the flames to escape the cave but enough for someone to see it. Montmorency's plan had succeeded but at the cost of Montmorency and the other or that was what Montmorency wanted them to believe because Philip, Richmont, Charlotte and Glasdale were still alive in fact it was their homuculi that died. Blanche would return to the joint armies to notify them that the mission was a success at first everyone cheered in victory but then they would see some dark cloud with Enlil's face state that he will return in another person body which they will know when the see his scythe and that person would be engulfed in the evil aura. After hearing the pledge of Enlil both the English and French realize that he will return one day in the form of another person who craves power or is consumed by their dark desires, Blanche would also make a pledge of her own which was when the day comes were Enlil rises again she will be there to stop him from continuing his plan to wipe out all of humanity. Later as the troops of the joint armies celebrated their victory Batard, Alençon and Thomas Malory who were now in charge of their respective armies would find fake documents created and left by the real Montmorency which states when Enlil first possessed his body he was shown a vision were everyone he ever carried about died thus would lead Montmorency to strike a deal Enlil which was Montmorency would create a new body for Enlil in exchange Enlil would become the enemy of humanity which would hopefully spare the lives of the people he loves but Enlil deceived him. Realizing that Enlil had no intention to keep his word after kill Jeanne Montmorency would try to find way to kill and would also leave the letter confessing his sin, the letter would go on state that he doesn't care if he rots in hell for what he has done as long as Enlil dies along with him. The people Montmorency had made into ulysses didn't like Montmorency's plan because it would have Montmorency take the blame for everything but Montmorency would state it's what needs to be done. Batard, Alençon and Thomas Malory were not sure what to done after reading the fake confession letter but then Thomas suggested that Montmorency's name to be stricken from all records only being referred to as broyeur d'os(bone breaker). The next day Batard would crowned king of France and ask La Hire to formulary adopt her child to which La Hire suggested instead the he marry La Hire so the child would have a legal claim to the throne which Batard would hesitantly agree. Montmorency now using the name Emrys would leave France long with the real Richmont, Charlotte, Philip, Jeanne, Catherine/Venus, La Hire, Astaroth and Glasdale to country were no one would recognize them while waiting until the day Enlil rises again.  

Reborn as Ulysses: Jeanne d'Arc and the Alchemist KnightDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora