Chapter 9 The Birth of the Ulysses of Chaos

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 It had been a few hours after Charlotte's coronation and Montmorency wanted to talk with Charlotte, Philip, Catherine, Jeanne, Richemont, La Hire and Astaroth about the part of his plan that he has yet to tell them. Charlotte, Catherine, Jeanne, Richemont, La Hire and Astaroth arrive at the room where Montmorency is waiting for them they would also see ulysses Blanche in the room as well which would lead them to ask why Blanche is here since Jeanne realized then told them that Blanche and Noire are the same person to which Montmorency explains that Philip is not here to fight, after hearing Montmorency call Blanche/Noire Philip made Charlotte, Catherine, Jeanne, Richemont, La Hire and Astaroth ask Montmorency to explain what he means to which Blanche/Noire removes her helmet revealing her true identity which shocked the Charlotte, Richemont, La Hire and Astaroth with the former two even more shocked because they never would guest Blanche/Noire was Philip the whole time and would ask why she did it to which Montmorency explains that he asked her to do it. Montmorency would explain that Philip was haunted by her fathers ghost trying to make his daughter fulfill his dream of creating a Burgundian empire but Montmorency managed to help Philip's late father's ghost find peace would then ask Philip's help defeating Enlil. Montmorency asked Philip to become Noire the black ulysses and fight for the English until Enlil awakened then becoming Blanche the white ulysses. Montmorency would then explain the plan he use to defeat Enlil which shocked everyone with Philip being the least shocked because he had share more of his plan with her with Charlotte and Richemont were upset with Montmorency for keeping information from them to which he explained that the reason why he didn't them because each had they own responsibilities plus he didn't want Richemont and Charlotte to get kill because of how important to him and would never forgive himself if they got killed, he would also state that if he lost one of the people he cares about a hold would be burned into his heart that may never heal but if he lost all of them he would die of a broken heart. Charlotte, Philip, Catherine, Jeanne and Richemont would be surprised of how much they truly mean to him. Montmorency explains why he asked Philip to fight for the English as ulysses Noire because it was the only way to by time until the monsters appeared which would be the time when Enlil was meant awaken at Orléans which Montmorency had for seen. Charlotte, Richemont, La Hire and Astaroth were angry with Montmorency for keep information from them and Charlotte and Richemont were angered more that Montmorency made Philip fight and shed blood to which Montmorency state do you think I wanted to involve Philip in this war then stating that without Philip help things may turned out different with Enlil. Montmorency would give a few examples of how things could turned out such England and France would have been weakened enough that neighboring kingdoms could invade and conquer them or Enlil would have succeed in destroying humanity thus was necessary for Philip to fight even though it went against her believes. Philip would also explain that she figure out that Montmorency killed his grandfather after putting on the holy grail helmet after he explain to her that she will have to kill people even though it goes against her believes but they would be necessary she would realize that Montmorency would also do thing that were necessary even though it violates his medical oath, hearing that Montmorency killed his grandfather shocked Richmont, Charlotte, Astaroth and Catherine  even shocking La Hire because they didn't realize that Montmorency had kill someone before killing Enlil and his followers, the group would demand to know why Montmorency killed his grandfather to which it was a necessary part of his plan, Montmorency would explain that his grandfather knew about Enlil was lurking inside Montmorency ever since he was born shocking everyone in the room then become even more shocked when Montmorency told them that his grandfather knew he was going to kill him and accepted it for all the crimes he had committed and the fact that he realized Montmorency learned about Enlil do to him eavesdropping on Montmorency's and Catherine conversation as he was planning on killing Montmorency but would stop when he learn that he had a plan to kill Enlil, after thinking it over Montmorency's grandfather decided that he would let Montmorency kill him because he has nothing worth living for but sees that Montmorency does thus was willing to let Montmorency kill him. Montmorency would then say he would understand that they may hold some anger towards him because he basically proved himself no better then his grandfather which leads him to ask how could you fall in love with someone like that let alone forgive. Hearing Montmorency statement surprised them but then Philip would approach Montmorency then hugging him surprising everyone even Montmorency, Philip would then say that if it wasn't for I would have for you I would have been forced down a path I never choose were I would be all alone which would lead her to say that you Montmorency had saved me now it was her turn to save, Philip would follow up repeating what Montmorency had said to her that what he did was necessary even though you are in pain that means you still have your heart which is still a good one because after doing such are hard thing which causes you so much pain means there is still hope for you, Richemont would following up saying that warrior have to make hard choices on the battlefield and have to live with consequences of those actions, Charlotte would follow up saying that his grandfather had done horrible things, Charlotte would also state that after the war she would purge any remaining nobles who only cared about their own ambitions which included Montmorency's grandfather but it seems that Montmorency had beaten her to it  but did not expect that Montmorency would kill, Catherine did understand why Montmorency killed their grandfather but would ask if there was another way to which he said there wasn't, La Hire a had already heard about the reputation of Montmorency's grandfather and believed that he did deserve to die and Jeanne while she disapproved but understood why Montmorency killed his grandfather. Montmorency would then take out the six remaining copies of the Philosipher's Stone as well as the piece of the helmet Philip wore as Noire/Blanche, Montmorency would then place four glasses on the table in front of him, at first they would ask Montmorecy what are the glasses for but would see what they were for, first Montmorency would cut his hands to let his blood drop into the glasses while crushing four of the six copies of the Philosipher's Stone into powder then mixing his blood and powder together into a wine like liquid while also breaking down the broken horn from Philip's helmet, when the ladies asked Montmorency what he did to the copies of the stones to which he explains that this was the most effect way to swallow the stone and elixir but would explain once the drink it they will become ulysses forever and would emphasize to Philip and Catherine about their drink. Montmoreny would explain to Philip that once she drinks the Philosipher's Stone elixir she would remain in the appearance of ulsses Noire/Blanche without the helmet  but to everyone's surprise she takes the glass then would say it is because of you Montmorency the path I now walk is mine alone and now I can now walk the some path as everyone in the room which is what is how Montmorency plans to honour the promise the four of us made seven years and I am will to walk down with you then drinking ever last drop of the Philosipher's Stone elixir which would change her appearance into how she looked as Noire/Blanche without the helmet but with one difference which was half of Philip's hair turned white, Richmont and Charlotte would also drink every drop Philosipher's Stone elixir from their glasses. Then Catherine would reach for her glass but would be stop by Montmorency so he can explain about Philosipher's Stone elixir in her glass with help from Astaroth would show Cathrine an projection ethereal beauty which amazed with the ethereal beauty. The ladies would ask who is she to which Montmorency would explain that it was Astaroth old appearance before she became a fair back when she went by the name Venus, hearing that Astaroth was once human shocked the ladies in the room, Montmorency would explain that  Philosipher's Stone elixir in Caterine's glass will change her appearance into that of the ethereal beauty and would also alter her blood which meant Montmorency and her would no longer be blood relatives but their bond would never change. Montmorency would also explain why Catherine's Philosipher's Stone elixir change her appearance and alter her blood, for her appearance Montmorency would explain that he asked Catherine to fake her death with the help from a homunculus that shared Catherine's appearance which died during Enlil's followers rampage and the reason for Philosipher's Stone elixir altering Catherine's blood was to make sure if they were to have a child it would never suffer the from the Habsburgs curse. When the ladies heard the name Habsburgs they would ask what Montmorency meant or more accurately wanted confirmation about what he is implying to which he explains that during his seven years of medical studies he discovered that there are negative side effects if some has a child with their own relative, some negative side effects are certain birth defects, can cause the child to eventually become emotionally and mentally unstable and are more prone to disease. After hearing Montmorency's explanation the ladies would understand Montmorency's reason for creating this special drink for Catherine's, Montmorency would then ask Catherine are you sure you want this because once you drink Philosipher's Stone elixir you will never return to your old appearance and would remain in the form of ethereal beauty forever. After think it over for a few minutes she would reach for her glass filled Philosipher's Stone elixir and would drink every last drop then she would a sting though out her body as it slowly changes into the ethereal beauty. The sting Catherine's body the dissipates which would lead Montmorency to ask her if she still the Catherine that he knew to which she answers by calling him brother, after hear Catherine's answer he would hug because he was glad that he didn't lose the one who is like a sister to him. Catherine would then look in the mirror at her new appearance and was amazed. Montmorency would see the new abilities of Richmont, Charlotte, Philip and Catherine gained after drink Philosipher's Stone elixir. Philip ability is called doppelganger which also explains why half of her hair is white which is do to the fact that she is a grey ulysses thus being able to split in two one all black the other all white. Richmont's ability is called diamond skin which meant because she is a warrior now has the ability to make her skin stronger then the current strongest metal humanity can create while at the same time making her attacks as sharp as diamonds. Charlotte ability is called fighting sprite which was surprised Montmorency because he didn't think that Charlotte's ability would one made for combat then realizing that her ability can also be used for non combative scenarios. As for Catherine's ability was a unique which was being able to read peoples emotions while see if they are telling the truth which so happens to be called truth detector. The ladies would ask Montmorency about the last two stone to which would lead Montmorency to ask Philip a question about Glasdale's character which surprised her but would then realize that one of the last two stones is for Glasdale then Montmorency would turn his attention to Astaroth with her realizing that the other stone is for her, Astaroth would ask Montmorency why she is being given a stone to drink which he relies saying what better why to protect the stone, at first Astaroth doesn't want to drink the elixir because no fairy has ever become a ulysses and is not sure if she will even survive drinking the elixir which would lead her to try to flee but only to be restrain by Montmorency's power then condence the second last copy of the Philosipher's Stone elixir while combining it with his blood into a single drop which Astaroth would reluctantly drank. After drinking the Philosipher's Stone elixir Astaroth's body began to glow then she begins grow, after Astaroth's body stoped glow Astaroth who had her eyes closed the whole time opened them to find that she was now the same size as everyone in the room, Montmorency would not be surprised, Montmorency would confirm that Astaroth's ability is called mirage which meant Astaroth was now a master of disguise. Montmorency would then explain to the ladies in the room after he summon Nicolas Flamel using teleportation to everyone's surprise. Montmorency would then explain why he brought Flamel which was to help guide humanity so they don't face calamity by their own hands which is another reason why he gave the ladies the Philosipher's Stone elixir so they could all guide humanity from the shadows in order to prevent the human made calamity. The people in the room would ask Montmorency how and why humanity would create a calamity that would destroy themselves to which he explains that the calamity would take the form of war over competing ideologies which is the reason why Montmorency need their help to make sure the calamity never comes to pass to which everyone in the room agreed to Montmorency's request. Before they could begin with Montmorency plan Montmorency suggested that they all have just one night off to enjoy as much as they can because tomorrow they will get to work, Montmorency would a bottle to La Hire saying it is a special drink for her and Xaintrilles but recommend that the two drink it in privet because it may cause them to do something embarrassing. During Montmorency conversation Jeanne was curious about the helmet that made Philip into a ulysses which would lead her to ask Montmorency if she wears the helmet that Philip worn as Noire/Blanche change her appearance do you think it would do the same if I put it on to which Montmorency state he is not sure because she already has a Philosipher's Stone inside her body he is not sure if the helmet would work, Jeanne would then put on the helmet then her body would glow while being in some mild pain but the pain would stop and the glow would dissipate showing Jeanne's body turned into that of a young women with her cloths remain the same as does her hair but longer and the helmet turned white with the horns turned into wings. Jeanne would then remove the helmet then asking Montmorency what exactly was in the bottle he gave to La Hire to which he explains that it is an aphrodisiac which is to give Xaintrilles the chance to tell La Hire how he feels about her and more. Philip would then ask Montmorency in a seductive way is he going to do the same as Xaintrilles to which Montmorency states that they don't need an aphrodisiac because he was already plan to do it with Philip, Richmont and Catherine or the name they will use in public Vénus. That night Motmorency would have an intimate night with Richmont, Philip and Caterine/Vénus. The next morning Montmorency would begin to explain the first part of his plan to guide humanity so they wouldn't face calamity which was to to first have Burgundy to sign an Armistice with France then Philip would step down as head of house Burgundy to atone for her late father's betrayal, Montmorency would also explain how the war between England and France would end which was to give both sides a common enemy. Before putting the plan into action Montmorency would share two things with the group which were a small piece of knowledge from a fictional literature that would be written in the future but the part he is talking about was about how humanity transcended their mortal bodies and became beings of light and energy while having the knowledge of the universe, the point Montmorency is try to make is the fact ever since he saw that  fictional literature he became curious can humanity really transcend their mortal bodies which is another reason why he asked Richmont, Charlotte, Philip, Jeanne, Caterine/Vénus, La Hire and Astaroth for their help because they were the only people he could trust, Montmorency would then tell them he had create homunculus of all of them and would explain his plan to them. Hearing Montmorency plan made them curious because what common enemy would the English and France have to which Montmorency would explain that there is still a small fragment of Enlil left inside him and would also explain he didn't destroy the side effects of the Philosipher's Stone which was either change their personality or be given a slip personality only able to transfer it to something else which was a mask that he had just pulled out. Montmorency would then use the Philip's doppelganger ability which shocked everyone to which Montmorency would explain that because of primordial essence still being apart of his soul he has the ability to use the abilities of the ulysses to some degree. Montmorency would as his doppelganger if it knows what need to be done to which it says yes, the other realize that the curse that was once in Philip's helmet was now in the mask the doppelganger was hold they tried to stop it but would be stop by Montmorency, Montmorency's doppelganger would then state everything that has happened to Richmont, Charlotte, Philip, Jeanne and Catherine was all his fault, hear what the doppelganger said shocked Richmont, Charlotte, Philip, Jeanne and Catherine but learn that the doppelganger holds all of Montmorency's guilt and shame then the doppelganger would state he was the reason our friendship was torn apart all because of his obsession with alchemy and the only way for him to atone was to become the monstrous enemy for all of humanity, after putting on the cursed mask Montmorency's doppelganger would then be over come with pain while glow a dark aura which would darken the sky with everyone see it with the survivors from Orléans remembering it was the same thing they saw before the demon appeared. Montmorency's doppelganger would then leave for the battle that was soon to begin which would also be the day the ulysses of chaos Enlil the reaper was born.

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