Chapter 19

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Nouel P.O.V:

I was sitting down with all of the fellow graduates and looking around to see if I could spot P' Phayu, Sky and P' Pai, but I couldn't see them. I hoped that they were here though, the ceremony was about to start. Just as I was resined to not seeing them I saw P' Phayu pretty much running to were my dad was seated, with a bouquet of flowers. I smiled, a minute later I see Sky and P' Pai sit next to P' Phayu. Good, they are all here.

After sitting through the whole ceremony, I wanted to run to my family, but I get stopped every step I take towards them. It seems like everyone wanted to take pictures with me. I am not an idol! Leave me alone!

It took 15 minutes to take pictures with everyone, more people seemed to want to take pictures but I guess I could not hide the pleading look in my eyes. They just smiled and turned to do their own thing. Right before getting to my family, I was stopped by a friend of mine.

"Are you going to the party tonight?"

"No, I am going to celebrate with my family. Have fun for me though."

"Come one! You can bring your other friends too, it's the last day we can be completely free."

"I'll think about it, where is the party?" I asked, knowing full well I was not going to go to the party. I just really wanted him out of my way.

"Great, It's at Jackson's place, I'll text you the address." He finally left and I practically ran to where my family was waiting.

"I'm finally free! I say as I hug my parents."

"I see our son is very popular!"

"I have never talked to half those people, I am not sure who they are or why they wanted a picture with me."

I let go of my parents and turn towards Sky, P'Pai, and P'Phayu.

"It's because you are so good looking," Sky says as he hugs me. He lets go of me and gives me the roses he was holding.

"Aww thank you. And you do not have to exaggerate."

I turn to P' Pai who gives me a quick hug and hands me another bouquet of roses.

"Congratulations Nong," he says quickly. I am then faced with P' Phayu.

"He isn't exaggerating, pretty boy," He says as he gives me a tight hug.

I return his tight hug as tight as I possible can," I missed you so much P'!"

I try my hardest not to kiss him, because that is all I want to do right now.

"We will get to that tonight, I have a surprise for you. But first let's celebrate with the rest ok baby?" How does he do that? It's like he can read my mind all the time.

"Ok, so what are we doing?" I asked.

"Well, we had our chef prepare your favorite food, and we have some gifts to give you so lets head home," my father replied.

We all headed back home and had an amazing time. It was the first time I had all the people I loved together in one room. My parents asked about how I was when I lived back in Thailand and of course had to tell him the most embarrassing things about me.

"Wait so because Noeul's crush like Phayu, so he decided that he was going to make Phayu fall in love with him?"

"That is not how it went at all..." I blushed, they were twisting the events!

"Really? Then how did it happen?"

"My crush always spoke highly of P' Phayu and I felt like it was my duty to bring him down to earth. So, I stalked P'Phayu to try to find a deal breaker."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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