Chapter 16

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Phayu P.O.V:

Pai and Sky retired early to their hotel rooms, leaving Nouel and I alone. We haven't really been able to talk about our relationship, we were always surrounded by our friends or by his parents.

We were in the parking garage of the hotel. I was turned towards Nouel who was in the driver's seat.

"So... what do you want to do?" Asked Nouel nervously.

"We should talk," I say.

"Talk about what?"

"About us..."

"What about us? Are you breaking up with me?" Nouel looked heartbroken.

"Of course not! I could never break up with you! I was just thinking of moving here." I say while cupping his cheeks with my hands.

"Oh, well... I was thinking about going back to Thailand," Nouel looks down and blushes.

"But you have a whole life here. Your parents are here, I know how much you wished to have a family like the one you have now."

"I would come visit every summer and winter, it's not like I will be cutting them off just because I move. Mom will probably call me every day just to tell me to eat. I could force her having video calls just to watch a drama together. She will probably come visit often too," he says while blushing.

"Are you sure? Love, I don't want you to do things just because you think that's what I want. I want you to be happy, that's all I wish for," I say as I kiss his forehead.

"Well, actually... It was all approved by my dad. You know we are trying to expand our business and Thailand happens to be one of the places we want o build a headquarters at. He thinks I am ready to lead the project, he won't make me the CEO right away, to start off I will be a director."

I am glad that his parents like and trust me enough to take care of their son.

"Really? Is that really what you want? I have no problem relocating here if I need to, I can apply to a school and refresh my memory on architecture. I just want to be able to hold you to sleep every night."

"Just hold me to sleep?" He bites his lips suggestively.

"I see you are still a brat my love," I whisper in his ear as I kiss his neck. It was a very awkward position since we were in the car, but I wouldn't trade for the world.

"You have a room here," he asked, his eyes full of desire.

"Yup, shall we go up?"

"Lead the way," he says as he gets out of his car.

It felt so good to be intimate with Nouel again. It was the third best thing has happened in these last few days. The first being finding out Nouel is alive, followed by him remembering me. It all just went to show that no matter what we will love and find our way back to each other.

*** I am no good at these scenes... Sorry***

After a long passionate night, we woke up to Nouel's phone ringing. He groans before separates from me ti find his phone.

"Hello?" He mumbles once he finally finds it.


"Ok hyung, I'll be there in 2 hours."


"It's the weekend, let me sleep in."



He groans and then cuddles up to me.

"What's wrong baby?" I ask him.

"My cousin wants to meet to work on our final project. Ugh! I don't want to move," he says against my arm.

"Well, you have to hours, we can stay in for 30 more minutes and then you can shower while I order breakfast."

"I just want to stay in bed with you all day today." He hugs me tighter.

"We still have tomorrow. "

"I guess, why do I still have to go to school."

"Because you are an heir to a pretty big company. Come on, you can sleep for a few more minutes. I'll wake you up in a bit." I start humming to get him to sleep.

For the next few minutes I just hug him, wishing I didn't have to let go of him so soon.

After I wake him up, he goes to shower while I wait for the food to arrive. As much as I wanted to shower with him, I knew we would take way to long and he needs to get going. We have our breakfast and kiss goodbye before he leaves.

As I wait for Nouel to come back, Pai and Sky come to keep me company.

"So, did you guys talk about it?," Pai asked.

"Yes, he surprised me though. He said that he would be moving back to Thailand. His dad wants to open a headquarters there and he is going to get a director's position."

"Really? He is moving back to Thailand?" Sky looked very happy.

"Yes, obviously he needs to graduate first, but he said that that his plan. I told him I don't mind moving here though. I could back to school to refresh my architecture knowledge."

"Well, I don't mind coming to South Korea often, but I would be glad to have Nouel near by. We can get food after work and hang out all the time," Sky was making plans already.

As we wait for Nouel to get back, Sky has the idea to have a movie night. Pai and Sky leave to get food and snacks and they left me to my own thoughts. Nouel got back a few moments after their friends left to get the food. He looked so tired.

I go to him and hold him tight.

"You work to hard good boy," I say as I kiss his forehead.

"I cannot wait until I graduate. So close but still so far," he groans and tightens his hold on me.

"Do you want to take a nap? Sky wanted to do a movie night, but I can kick them out for you."

"No, it's ok. I need to relax, and a movie night with snacks are the best thing right now. Let me just call him and make sure he gets jellies."

That night felt like if the last few years had not happened. We had fun, just like before. We all fell asleep in front of the T.V. Nouel and Sky snuggled up against each other on the floor while Pai and I were right beside them. Me beside Nouel and Pai beside Sky. It was a perfect end to the day.

I am suddenly reminded that Pai, Sky, and I were not able to stay for too long. We have to go back to Thailand soon. As much as I would love to stay with Nouel until he graduates, I will not be able to. I will try to visit as much as possible though.

Those are problems for another day, for now I will enjoy the days I have left with Nouel in South Korea.

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