"I didn't mean to fall asleep there! You intentionally dropped my hand and let Boa Hancock shove me out of the way to get to you!"

   "It should have been me, though! I should have been the one that you came to... to feel safe enough to sleep like that!" He said, his voice cracking.

  "Luffy... we are not at my parents house anymore! There are three main sleeping arrangements here. The girl's room, the guy's room, and outside!" I sniped.

   Luffy flinched at these words. Cause you know I'm right.

   "It's just how it is here! But being here means you don't always get me one on one, and vise versa!" I sniped.

   "Exactly! Being here also means you are going to have to trust me on that front too! I chose to trust you this morning and not be mad at you!"

"Well good for you! At least Zoro didn't have his hands all over me and at least I wasn't being nonchalant and letting him!" I said, making Luffy groan.

"What do you want me to do? Go tell her that I'm taken?! It might mean war against a person who helped me try to save my brother but I'll do it if you want me to!" He said angrily. He took a step back and went to let go of my hand.

"No! Stop!" I said, grabbing his other hand and leaving the other on his chest. "Stop." I hadn't even thought of his brother. "I'm a mess." I said, shaking my head. "I'm sorry, Luffy."

   "No, you need me to go tell her to stop! I don't care, I'll do it!" He said, "I just want you to trust me like I trust you!"

   "I do trust you!" I said, making him look at me.

    "Then why are you so mad at me?"

    "Because she is gorgeous! I'm jealous, ok! I'm super jealous that someone that gorgeous is into you, and when you let go of my hand it made me feel small. And when she spoke down to me, I felt smaller. And I'm already small, damn it!" I rambled, stomping my foot and making him laugh. He brought both of my hands to his chest and squeezed them.

   "Do you feel that?" He asked, referring to his heart thudding wildly against my hands.

   "Yeah..." I said, my bottom lip forming into a pout.

   "My heart thinks you are the gorgeous one." He said, kissing me on the nose. "You are gorgeous."

   My heart was dancing, trying to do the jig right out of my chest. The heat in my face burned all the way to my forehead and the tips of my ears. I parted my lips to say something, but I couldn't even think of a response. He shifted a little closer, searching my eyes for something.

   "You shouldn't be jealous, cause you are the only person who gets my heart beating like this." He said, leaning closer. "And even if there was another, it wouldn't matter to me, because you are the one I want."

    My heart was ringing in my ears as he moved closer to my lips. I could feel my stomach doing flips as his lips brushed gently against mine. — barely even making contact. I didn't think my face could feel any hotter, but sure enough, it lit up even more than before. It felt like someone had lit fireworks inside of me and set them all off.

He moved his hands to my face, knocking his own hat off as he pressed his forehead against mine. I still had my hands over his heart, which was still beating wildly. He then pulled me into a bigger kiss, sending my mind into orbit. Everything that was in my head was gone — blank; erased. When he pulled away, I let myself pout and look away from him.

"Are we good?" He said, moving my face so I had to look at him. I sighed.

"We're good." I admitted.

He grinned, making me blush harder than I already was. I was so used to seeing him in the other reality now, that experiencing him like this was new all over again. That smile was brilliant no matter what, but boy did it hit different here — my heart skipping a beat. How can he still do this to me after all this time? I couldn't believe how flustered I got.

"I have to go back out there." Luffy said, no longer smiling. "Please, Misaki, for your safety..."

"I won't say anything." I said, rolling my eyes. "Though I'm surprised you're doing good at lying to her." I said, eyeing him.

"So long as she doesn't ask me a question outright, I'll just keep being normal with her."

   "Can't you at least tell her to back off?"

   "I have, twice now. I also rejected her marriage proposal." He said, laughing. "It doesn't stop her but I do reject her all the time."

  "Oh." I said quietly. "I didn't realize..."

- -

We all had lunch together. Hancock took my normal seat next to Luffy, which left me sitting next to Zoro and Usopp. Sanji brought out some dishes, making sure to leave Nami, Robin, and Hancock with more dainty dishes. I, however, got the main course, which I was grateful for, since I was starving. Hancock kept looking at me. I was new after all. I tried not to look back, ever so slightly bothered by her.

Normally, when we ate, it was rowdy and loud, but the only loud thing was the sound of Luffy eating. Hancock swooned at him and I audibly scoffed, making half the crew snap their heads in my direction and give me the shh signal. I rolled my eyes as Hancock zeroed in on me.

"What was that, you...?" She started, but stopped when Zoro leaned over to whisper in my ear.


What the Hell? Luffy kept eating, but he was sending daggers at Zoro as he whispered in Misaki's ear. She giggled and then smiled at Hancock, who was taken aback by the action. She sat back in her chair and looked at Luffy, who was doing his best to ignore her as he ate.

I hate this. I should be eating next to Misaki. But didn't he just give her this whole spiel about not feeling jealous cause he trusted her? He huffed through his nose and kept eating, wondering what it would take to get that feeling to go away. Reassurance worked on Misaki, but Luffy was way less mature than she was, and he had no problem admitting it. Still, he didn't want to prove himself wrong, so he ate faster, trying to quell the green beast of envy inside him as it tried its best to break out.

I trust you, I trust Zoro. Chill Luffy. He thought to himself. Next thing he knew, he was stealing from everybody's plates as he waited for his seconds. Everybody started groaning and eating faster to avoid losing their food. Misaki looked directly at him, making him eat faster.

He chugged down some of his drink to swallow all the food he had chipmunking in his mouth and then looked back at her. He could feel Hancock staring and looked at her to smile, knowing it would send her through the roof and stop her from thinking about things too hard. It's usually good to see old friends, but as soon as this meal is over, she said she is leaving... He ate faster, hoping he could expedite her departure. All he wanted was to be able to act normal again.

Just like she had said, she made her leave after lunch, but not without giving Luffy a big hug first. He didn't hug her back, and she immediately let go and started swooning at him like Sanji, making him laugh. He could sense a dark cloud of resentment forming behind him but ignored it, waving after Hancock as she departed.

As soon as they dipped over the horizon, Luffy turned around and saw Misaki, standing there all mad and cute. Before she could even speak, he tackled her to the ground, crushing her in a big hug and rubbing his face against hers.

"Mmmmm Misakiiiii!" He said, making her blush as he kept rubbing his cheek on hers.

"L-Luffyyyy." She stammered.

He showered her with kisses, unable to contain himself any longer. He had been wanting to do this for a while now. Misaki laughed, pushing at his chest to try and stop him, but he knew she was just playing with him, so he kept attacking her with kisses.

"You're such a freak!" She said, laughing.

"You love me!" He teased, squeezing her and making her laugh. Damn it, I do love him.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now