Chapter 15 - Internal Problems of the Empire

Start from the beginning

Ludius: "Absolutely rejected."

The emperor's hand rose and Rius was forced to sit back.

No one dares to speak or oppose when the Emperor's hand rises and speaks "absolutely" to his sentence.

Ludius: "Marshal Arde. Anything is important."

Marshal Arde, Supreme Commander and Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Parpaldian Armed Forces and the Imperial Army, stood up without any fear as he seemed fearless in the current situation.

In other words, he's ready for anything, literally.

Arde: "Your Excellency. 2 weeks ago, our punishment fleet transporting the punitive forces to Fenn, was repelled and completely defeated by an unknown naval force."

The chamber is still silent.

The Emperor was thoughtful when the name "American Continental Union" came to his mind.

He hummed and opened his mouth.

Ludius: "Marshal Arde, since you mentioned this 'unknown naval force'. Should you hand this problem over to the Imperial Intelligence and Information Bureau?"

Arde turned his head towards the Chief of the Imperial Intelligence and Information Bureau, the said man nodded at the Emperor as he spoke.

Chief of the Imperial Intelligence and Information Bureau: "Yes, Your Excellency. The Imperial Intelligence and Information Bureau will handle it."

The Emperor looked at Arde with an expressionless face.

While Arde sighed and leaned back in his chair.

Ludius glanced and then switched to the members of the Royal Council, who were sweating from the start.

Ludius: "I believe you, members of the Royal Council, have been enjoying your time during my absences. Right?"


The members of the Royal Council are silent; no one speaks until someone speaks.

Royal Advisor #2: "Your Excellency. The Empire has been doing well during your absences. We, the Royal Council, have managed your Empire very well."

Ludius was not pleased.

The Director of the Imperial Bureau of Intelligence and Information (IBII) showed a look of annoyance, already sick of these idiots' showcases.

Ludius: "If so? Then why was Altarus subjugated? When I forged, tooth and nail, a friendship with that nation."

The Royal Council members were stunned, they never thought that Ludius would ask this.

Royal Advisor #2: "Y-Your Excellency. King Taara XIV refused our simple request and simply turned and left. As a superpower, this dishonors our name as an empire. So, we launched a subjugation on Altarus."


Once again, Ludius knocked on the table.

The entire crowd in the chamber trembled and the Royal Advisor who spoke earlier was forced to sit down.

Then, the Emperor let out a heavy sigh, marking his disappointment and anger.

Ludius: "The subjugation of Altarus... Under a so-called 'simple request', handing over the Siltras and the enslavement of the princess?!"

Once again, the members of the Royal Council are stunned.

Ludius: "I know many of you are wondering, how do I know this? I'm not emperor for fun, I have many ears in many places, hidden from you. To think that my absence has also caused our relations with other countries that I forged, tooth and nail, to deteriorate, right?"

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