Track 7: The pacifist

Start from the beginning

I always liked the fact that he being a robot found a way to show facial expressions with a marker

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I always liked the fact that he being a robot found a way to show facial expressions with a marker.

I always liked the fact that he being a robot found a way to show facial expressions with a marker

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The sound of doors opening was hear and along with quick footsteps.

Peppermint: Chai, don't be dead!

Then when they both looked at each other Peppermint changed from ngry to friendly.

Peppermint: Macaron. I presume?

Macaron: Peppermint! Wonderful to finally meet you in person.

They both shook hands.

Then CNMN approached as he drew a new expression.

CNMN: Sir Macaron says expressions make me feel less off-putting.
808 was watching with confusion, while I was smiling because we finally have heavy artillery.

Chai: Is he the informant you were telling me about?

Peppermint: Yes. Chai. Meet Macaron, my man on the inside.

Macaron: Chai? Your name wasn't... you know... that?

Chai: No. And anyway you can say it, it will also have the same pronunciation as what you were thinking but I assure you that if you let me write it you will see that there is nothing wrong.

Peppermint: Yes, of course, Gabe Itch. Anyway, was it YOU hacking the test labs?

Macaron: Just my way of showing who's boss.

Chai: Judging by your suit, you must work for Vandelay.

Macaron: Yeah, I was the head of R&D under Roxanne Vandelay. So Kale brought his crew, and now this SPECTRA...

Chai: A disgruntled employee...

Macaron: But this place is my whole life. I wanted to do something... And I realized that I can. From inside.

CNMN: I will say, you may have to do more than just pick on Zanzo.

Chai: I agree with you about that.

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