Chapter III: Catalyst

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"That name.."

"What name?"

"Jundiyy. it appears often in your file.. or what I can read  of it that isn't inked out"

"oh.. her

"who is this.. Jundiyy?"

"an old comrade."

"correct me if I'm wrong but is that.. enthusiasm?"

"not that much of a machine"

"well it is certainly something I was not expecting from you of all people"

"do you want me to continue with the story or not?"

"do tell."

The air was still. Even if the interiors of the Imperial Intelligence headquarters were perfectly calibrated to have the freshest artificial  air, a far cry from the smoggy air outside in the grand planet of Coruscant.  Even though the air was perfect in everyway, a certain Lexanna Tayir found herself suffocating in the council room. The officer was standing straighter than usual in front of a panel of her stern-faced superiors. Their expressions were cold and piercing,  she could practically feel the combined anger on her shoulders, pressing down on her, making it difficult to even draw a simple breath. a certain member of the panel spoke up, his eyes boring into her with a steely glare. Director Krennic cleared his throat as he spoke to Lexanna with a tone that spoke straight into her soul.

Krennic:"Tayir. you were tasked with overseeing Task Force Echo of the Death Trooper division of Imperial Intelligence?"

Lexanna:"yes, sir"

The officer's voice was steady, contradicting the turmoil and fear that was raging inside her

Krennic:"yet, rotations after the operation, the convocation chamber still has a bloodstain and your task force is one man short."

Lexanna:"Director Krennic, esteemed members of the counci-"

Krennic: "do you think this is a game to you, Tayir?"

Lexanna:"no, sir"

Krennic:"I must remind you that the only reason your task force simply exists is because of the recent blunder known as the recent recruits of stormtroopers barely hitting a shot. But every rotation we get closer to disassemble your task force."


Krennic:"furthermore your men rejected reinforcement from TF Bravo, leading to the  vacancy in your already unstable task force- which will take countless credits to fill because of your captain's blunder."

Another member of the panel lifted his gloved hand slightly, stopping Krennic of his tearing through of Lexanna. The officer straightened her white uniform, fighting the fear that was growing inside of her, her fate and the fate of her entire task force were in the hands of the panel.

Colonel Kast:"Officer Tayir. your operation in the senate has resulted in no evidence to narrow down on the reason of this attack."

Lexanna:"esteemed members of the panel..I take full responsibility for the short comings of my task force and I understand the gravity of this situation of Imperial security and I will gladly accept whatever consequence you deem fit."

The panel of Lexanna's superiors murmured between them as the officer's eyes focused on the shining panel table, her mind thinking of all the ways her fate was going to be sealed. Krennic leaned back in his seat as Kast spoke in a oddly reassuring tone.

Kast:"Officer Tayir, we commend your acceptances of responsibility, but it will not be enough for you to absolve you of consequences. You're task force will be under heavy surveillance, further consequences will be put in place on a need to know notice."

The officer felt a wave of disappointment in her body, she knew the gravity of their situation, Imperial security had been breached, her mistakes were her team's and her team's mistakes were hers. She nodded, turning and exiting the room. As she exited the room she was face to face with an woman in a white uniform, similar to hers, but the badges on the left side of her chest told everyone that she was a higher rank, way higher.

Grand Moff:"Tayir."

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