Chapter 6

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~~Lloyd's POV~~
I woke up in complete darkness, I looked around and there was nothing around me, just...darkness. Then I heard a chilling laugh. An evil laugh, that would send chills down your spine.

"W-W-WHO ARE YOU!" I yelled into the darkness.

'HAHAHAHA!!!' The figure yelled.

"Who are you?" I said once again.

'I'm the very thing you HATE about yourself' The dark figure responded.

I felt my body tense as the figure put his hand on my shoulder.

"What do you want?" I said trying to hide the scared tone in my voice.

'Oh, what I want? Interesting....cause I am you, well your evil side that is, so what you want is also what I wantThe figure continued.

"But you aren't me, right?" I responded.

'But oh on the contrary, I AM couldn't t get rid of me even if you tried.....hahaha' The figure continued.

"So your the oni in me?" I asked awaiting an answer.

'Ugh do I have to go over it again, I'm the evil in you, the oni.' The figure said stepping out of the shadows.

When I saw what came out of the shadows, the figure was right...he is me, or at least the oni in me. I saw a golden and green oni step out of the shadows, he had four took me back to when me and my father defeated the Crystal King.

'Why so scared, it's not like you haven't seen this monster before' the oni said.

He was right, I was a monster, that was ME. The very thing I hated about myself, IS me.

"I don't care, what do you want" I said coldly.

'Ugh why do you always take the fun out of it, anyways....what I want is for you to suffer, that is until you submit and transform, FOREVER' The golden oni replied.

"NEVER, I refuse...I will never submit!" I yelled, wanting to get out of where ever I was.

'Fine, if you want to play that way, so be it' the oni said finally.

I opened my eyes to very bright lights, confused where I was at. I sat up looking around the room. I found myself in my emerald green bed.

"H-hello?" I said quietly.

"LLOYD!" Harumi said jumping into a hug.

"Lloyd you are okay, thank the fsm. What happened" Cole said wanting answers.

I didn't know what to tell them, should I tell them it's the oni, or tell a lie to get them to stop worrying.

"I don't know?" I said, even questioning myself.

"Are you sure?" Harumi asked me.

"Yeah I'm pretty sure" I said scratching my head.

That's when I felt a bump on my head, I was so confused...maybe I just fell or something. It's probably nothing, I shouldn't worry about it.

"Hey, are the other ninja back?" I asked Cole and Harumi.

"That's the thing, we still don't know where they are" Cole said.

~~Kai's POV~~
We have been out for hours, on patrol and looking for the others like Pixal, Master Wu, Jay, Skylar, and trying to figure out where Cole went.

"We have been out here forever and we haven't found anything" I said with a hint of annoyance in my voice.

"I know but what if..." Nya said with her voice trailing off at the end.

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