Chapter 6

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Marrling awoke in the hospital. "The hell was that chick?" She asked herself out loud.

"Oh, you're awake," said a nurse as she walked in and asked, "Whatever it was, it looked like a truck had hit you with that welt on your belly. Just who was it you were against"

Marrling sat up as she said, "Um, not really sure."

"I'm just glad it wasn't anything serious. I'll get the discharge paperwork ready, and you'll be free to go."

Marrling simply touched her belly and blushed. First that bird creature embarrassed her, and now this sexless chick trying to steal her mate. She thought of Marcus, the pack Alpha, but she only desired him for being the strongest of the wolves she knew. Of course, werewolves by default desired a strong mate as their enemies were of course strong.

Be it vampires or others, but there were others. Those of the divine clade of various beings. Angels, and the Almighty's race. Known by many as simply The Architects. Although the former of the two were thought extinct. They were once everywhere, and well known but simply vanished from the universe for an unknown reason after the million year war.

Their installations, planet sized warships, and megastructures littering the universe as Automated graveyards still kept functioning by their automatons  and drones waiting for their masters that would never come home. Like a dog who's master long since passed away and still waits for him to come home. It was the most depressing and heartbreaking things to come across or learn about.

Of course God didn't include this in his book the Bible. Marrling didn't blame him. If her whole race suddenly died off, she wouldn't feel like talking or writing about it either. However, she did visit a few of these planets. Very dangerous an experience it was during the bouts of survival training, but one thing these world of the Architects had in common was every one had a planet wide defense gride with combat drones that attacked upon detection any biological lifeform they encountered.

From what little was known of The Architects such a thing on their worlds only occured as a last resort. Which means something very very heavy had happened there. Although it was still unknown what would prompt a last resort, but the last all animal life on these planets were seemingly absent indicated that it had something to do with it---as disturbing as the thought was.

Shaking these thoughts away, Marrling had the Nurse get the IV out of her. Getting dressed, Marrling headed home. Yes.  Werewolves do  have lives outside of their respective packs. Marrling saw a note saying her good for nothing father was out drinking and womanizing again. Marrling herself was an outcome of these when the dog completely drunk knocked up a werewolf that was her mother.

Marrling wanted Marcus as her mate because she had nobody else, and it was the only way she could escape the living death that was her life at home if you can call it that. Part of her regretted trying to follow through with trying to end Umbra. It was the idea of Marcus' mother. Marrling had initially refused as Umbra was her best friend at the time, but the monster had manipulated her into betraying her friend.

Marrling buried her face into her pillow as tears flowed at the realization of her empty the Alpha's monster of a mother had made her life, and what following she had was purely out of fear and loyalty of the lesser wolves not wanting to lose what it was they had left.

It was at this moment Marrling's cellphone range. Perking up, Marrling checked it, and saw it was from an unknown number. She answered it as she said, "Hello?"

"Hello, Marrling," said Mark.

"You! How the hell did you get my number?!" Demanded Marrling.

"Uh. Marcus kind of gave me the number of those he knew and I didn't want to be rude. I have some time before I must get to something, so I wanted to apologize for hitting you earlier today. It kind of happened without warning, and I wanted to make it up to you," said Mark.

"Meet me at the coffee shop I usually go to. I'll text you the address," said Marrling as she hung up.


Marrling was in casual clothes as she saw Mark there. She teased as she said, "I didn't know you swung that way."

Mark blushed as he said, "Not actually a girl myself."


"Long story. Best that I tell you where there's less people," said Mark.

"This will be interesting," said Marrling


Marrling was snickering in suppressed laugher as she couldn't hold it in any longer and burst out laughing at Marcus' story. "Now I've heard everything," said Marrling as she dipped her coffee.

"You didn't seemed surprised," said Mark.

"Listen," said Marrling, "I know of those markets. It was an honest mistake, but I have to say you do make a cute girl. Can see why the Alpha is into you."

"As one sided as his interest is," said Mark.

"Why am I not surprised?" Asked Marrling.

"I take it he has a history."

"You have no idea," said Marrling as she smirked and said, "I think I shall help you in whatever it is you're up to."

"How did you know that-----?"

"I can smell the smell of enforcers all over you. I'm guessing you're one, and new to it to. You also have promise. You certainly kicked my butt back at school. That kind of thing I'm into about someone," said Marrling.

"Are you flirting with me?"

Marrling was bright red as she looked away and said, "Don't flatter yourself with any funny ideas." Recomposing herself, she smirked and said, "I just want to see that two timing dog fall, and you're just the one I think will do just nicely at it."

Getting to her feet, Marrling said to Mark, "Best we get going. If this is going to go how I think it'll go, well, we'll be making this a night he'll never forget. Let's get to the party. It'll be fun."

End Chapter

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