Chapter 3

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"This is Embarrassing," said Mark as Miss April examined his bare body, then found a crest of House Yesh on the back of his right leg.

"There it is," chirped Miss April as she said, "you can dress now."

Getting dressed, Mark asked, "what did you find?"

"News of what you have," the mage answered as she said, "You have the same creation ability as the Almighty, unfortunately, my Rival sacrificed your gender to Yesh to get you this power, so it's your power forever."

"I can create?!" Said Mark.

"There's a catch though," said Miss April.

"Here it comes," said Umbra.

"Are you sure you wish to hear it?" Asked the mage.

"Just hit me with it," said Mark.

"Metaspawn is a power mortals were never meant to have. While the Almighty has unlimited value to throw into to spawn a creation, mortals on the other hand have limited value, so it requires additional sacrifices to use. Fortunately, that which you won't miss is acceptable, but more powerful the creation, greater the sacrifice. That's the short and long of it."

"How's that a good thing?!"

"Sucks to be you," the mage snorted.

"But I won't be able to be with a woman!" Cried Mark.

"Welcome to club," said Miss April, "I myself sacrificed my chance to become a woman to God in order to get my license to be a mage and to live for all time. It's been a very lonely 43 million years, but that's the price I paid for the life I chose."

"I'm sorry," said Mark.

"Hehe, hey now," said Miss April, "I've long since owned it. But as for you, your choice was made for you. Get over it and own it. Last I checked, you humans pride yourselves on getting over things like this, so own it already and move on. Complaining and cry about what happened won't buy your gender back, so might as well own what occured."

"What can I do to get it back?"

"What price are you willing to pay?"

"On second thought..."

"Seems you're maturing already," said Miss April, "however, I like you, so I think I can pull a favor or two."

"So I'll become a boy again?"

"Not today," said Miss April, "but I know someone, if you're willing to work for them."

"Ohhh," said Mark.

"You're catching on," said the mage.


Mark and Katie returned home. Katie was in her true form as she sat on the couch and watched TV. It was at this moment that Mark asked her, "What race are you exactly?"

"Why should i tell you of all people? Although I know you'd keep wondering, so I'm the same type as the Almighty, although unlike the fragments, I'm a mass produced model known as an enforcer. There's angels, then there's us. Our purpose in to run universes and their parts with our main duty being to get dirty so heaven, the word, and the Almighty stays clean."

"Sounds fun," said Mark.

Katie smirked as she said, "Fun you say? If you can call facing down supernatural super entities that, then sure, i guess."

"Supernatural entities?"

"Things that devour worlds, parasites that turn entire populations into hive minded superhoards, universal conquerors, multidimensional empires. The list goes on. And if you're wondering what the angels do, they police mortals whereas we deal with heaven's rivals," answered Katie.

"Doesn't the Bible teach this?"

"That book teaches how to get to Heaven---not How Heaven does its business, plus if everyone was to know of it, humanity would make a fruitless effort to try to stop that which they can do nothing against. our job is to make sure humanity continues to live in blissful ignorance of such things. The only reason I'm telling you all this is you kinda joined up. Orders from above, so if you don't like it, TOO BAD. Sucks to be you," said Katie with a smirk.

"WHAT?!!!" Exclaimed Mark.

"Serves you right for stealing from me," said Katie.

"It's not fair!'

"HOW DO YOU THINK I FEEL?" asked Katie with venom, "You're one of us now, it your life, shut up and live with it."

"But i didn't want any of this!"

"Welcome to the military," answered Katie with a smirk as she said, "You're one of us now----Which means you'll be following orders-----until the brass says you're done. Now quite your bellyaching and squalling. You're a soldier now---like it or not."

"Do i have to?"

"Yes, now cook me supper," said Katie.


"you do Rem---"

Mark put on a forced smiled as he said, "Yes...Ma'am?"

"Glad to hear it," said Katie, "Now get in there and cook something. Don't care what it is so long as it's food. Mark proceeded to do just that. it was Hamburger mac that her made up. When Katie tried it, she said, "That's pretty good. You did good today. Go take a shower and clean up. We'll be getting up early tomorrow to start your training, soldier."

"Yes...Ma'am," said Mark as he went to his bathroom to shower. Minutes later, the door opened, and Katie entered completely bare as she got in with her. "Katie?! You're..."

"Is there a problem?" asked Katie. Mark could get a good look at her. Her fathers yellow in color with black ends to them with her eyes silver in color. Her race looked feline, mustelid and avian rolled into one from the look of it with her dentation being more akin the a bear's, and her tail being bushy. She looked alien, but there was a beauty to her, and instead of a fur coat, she was clad in feathers.

"No," said Mark.

"It's not like you're going to make a move on me or anything," said Katie with a giggle as she hugged him from behind.

"Why would I do that?"

"I'm just saying," said Katie, "Of course you sacrificing your gender is not unheard of. many have done it, usually to avoid distractions."

"How do they end up having families?"

"by hiring one with your power of Metaspawn to combine their data into a new being that's created. it's how many angels are actually born, but i can say those like you can and do fall in love," said Katie.

"have you every fallen in love before?"

"Enforcers like me cannot have such attachments to others," sputtered Katie as under her face plumage, a blush formed. She averted her gaze and said under her breath, ".....Ikin." Mark heard what she had said. Mark began to turn around, but the two lost their footing, causing Katie to yelp as katie was now on her back as Mark was on top of her. Katie was flustered, but what happened next was mark apologizing to her as he got out and dried himself---leaving Katie laying with the water soaking her feathers.

End Chapter.

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