Chapter 2 "gay?"

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Warning: this chapter contains strong language, bullying, homophobia, violence and sexual content.

If you are under the age of 18 or find any of the warnings described uncomfortable I suggest clicking off <3


IMPORTANT: I am also going to upload a new chapter every Monday.

Enjoy <3 (please leave a comment and a like, love u lot so much🫶)

Chapter 2 "gay?"

Kenji's pov:

Once Felix had started to walk off laughing it pissed me off more. I ran and tackled Felix, instant pain surging through out my legs as they hit the solid ground,
"What the fucks wrong with you?!" Felix yelled swinging his fist at me, I grabbed both his wrists in one hand and pinned his head against the ground with the other holding him in place,
"Get the fuck off me you freak!" he wriggled beneath me, I started laughing at how he looked it reminded me of a worm. As I started laughing my grip around his wrists became loose and shortly after I was the one on the floor, but this time my back was against the floor and he sat atop on my waist. He squeezed his legs squashing mine in between them stopping me from moving. In the background I could see people crowded round us both, when did they all get here? Felix punched me in the face causing further pain to my face from before ow. Felix took another swing and one more after that, he stopped and leaned his face closer to mine
"Were you not satisfied with your beating from earlier?" He chuckled, as he carried on chuckling his face still close to mine i head butted him, he grabbed his head within an instant placing one hand on his head and the other on my chest
"You prick!" He yelled rubbing his head his hand still atop my chest, his legs had loosened letting my own legs free. I took this opportunity
And attempted to wriggled out beneath him, I gave up shortly since his weight on me was too much and decided to punch him in the face as hard as I could. Felix's face quickly went a purplish red colour where I had hit him and he lay next to me on the grass now both hands grabbing at his head, I stood up but didn't even get the chance to walk when I was quickly dragged right back down with force.
Me and Felix began punching and kicking each other on the floor it looked so stupid it was embarrassing to think about, we were broken up shortly after though by two teacher's one holding me back the other holding Felix back.

We were separated and I was told to go back to my seat, luckily I didn't have to wait long for Mia and Ben to arrive since the whistle went just as I got to my seat.
"Heard you and Felix had a fight" Ben chuckled and sat down next to me putting his hand on my shoulder,
"Jesus Christ your face" Ben looked worried as hell it was kind of scary he never looked nor acted worried much
"I'm fine" I laughed, my face throbbing with pain. The match had begun and Mia still wasn't back I was getting a bit worried but thankfully she showed up a minute later but you could tell something was wrong.
"What's wrong?" I asked putting my hand on her knee, she didn't look at me but instead was staring down someone on the pitch.
"I'm surprised you're not dead" she said still not looking me in the eye, I laughed and leaned back in my chair
"You should see his face" I smiled smugly and she finally looked at me laughing herself
"Have you seen your own?" She asked looking back at the pitch
"What happened with nick?" I didn't want to ask but I was curious, she smiled but didn't face me again
"Focus on the game" she replied still staring at the game with a smile on her face.

The game had finally ended after hours and the points were 7:8 to nortwich, on the way back to the dorms all you could hear was grumbles from students or complaints, some even accusing an opposing player of cheating.
Meanwhile I snuck off with Mia and we headed off towards the girls dorm.

"hurry up will you" mia hissed at me as i slowly walked towards the dorm building doors regretting my stupid choice from earlier, mia unlocked the building door and held it open letting me walk through first
"You're welcome ma'lady" Mia giggled but I  wasn't amused, shocked looked around in disbelief the girls dorm building was so neat and clean compared to the boys dorm building.

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