Chapter 2: Saving an Idol

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(After agreeing to try and recruit them, Rias has sent her peerage, with a slight exception of Issei, to find them. She currently sent Koneko and Kiba to Kami's supposed location.)

Kiba: Is it here?

Koneko: Yeah... I think so... just to be sure.

(Koneko tries to detect a scent of Kami.)

Koneko: Strange...

Kiba: What is it?

Koneko: ..It smells like.. Metal?

(Suddenly, the Gurren Lagann's chest glasses shine as it suddenly jumps from above)

Kami: Huh, I never knew I would get visitors..

Kiba: It's him. And the mech I saw destroying the fallen angels.

Koneko: Our president ordered us to bring you to her.

Kami: ...Why so?

Koneko: Because you can become a valuable ally for us against those fallen angels you've encountered.

Kiba: Also, she seeks to have you in her peerage.

Kami: ...Let me tell you something.. I won't join then. Can't she just handle things herself?

Kiba: You don't have a choice, human.

Kami: Who the hell do you think I am?! No matter the situation, there is still a choice for everyone!

(The Gurren Lagann gets into a fighting stance)

Kiba: So this is your answer, huh? I'm... disappointed!

Koneko: This means we're gonna have to bring you to her by force!

(They get in their fighting stances as well.)

Kami: Trust me.. I'm more disappointed in you than you are. 

(Koneko suddenly does the first move, aiming for a hit at the head, but the Gurren Lagann blocks it with it's right arm.)

Kami: You call this an attack? Let me show you a real attack!

(The Gurren Lagann does a Flying Kick, which sends Koneko into the sky. Shocked, Kiba attempts to find a way to intervene.)

Kiba: Eat THIS!

(Kiba summons his Excalibur and tries to slash the mech's legs.)

Kami: Tch! Idiot!

(A drill is fired from one of the knee holes, piercing Kiba)


(Koneko crashes into the ground, seemingly unconscious.)

Kami: Weak.

(Kami then leaves the unconscious Koneko as a wounded Kiba approaches her to catch her.)

(Meanwhile, an alternate version of a certain Phenex is seen beating a random person to death with his metal rod.)


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