Chapter 21-24

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 The feminine man Charles nodded and glanced at Lu Xing: "Teacher Liton, what's wrong with him? Is the examination finished?"

  Li Dun said nothing, cold sweat slowly falling down his forehead. Colonel Charles dislikes people who do not follow the rules.

  Although there was a superior officer as a guarantor, the mental health test for new students could be postponed, but that was when Colonel Charles was not around. If Colonel Charles was around, this would not be allowed.

  Lyton didn't know why he was so unlucky. The first time he did this, he was caught by Colonel Charles.


  "It was Colonel Ruan Sui who guarantored this new student and asked him to postpone the mental test." Fei Lin stepped forward, blocking Li Dun behind her, and said respectfully.

  "Oh, it's Captain Feline." Charles' sticky eyes fell on Feline's bumpy figure, which made Feline feel sick.

  "Colonel Charles should know that this is legal and compliant, so please let him go." Feline's voice became colder.

  Charles clicked his tongue, with a hint of frivolity in his words: "Even if Colonel Ruan Sui is not the guarantee and Captain Feline is the guarantee, I would agree, but -"

  He changed the subject: "I have to test what this kid is capable of, so that Ruan Sui can make an exception for him. Mark and Vic will practice with this freshman."

  "Colonel Charles, you can't—"

  "I can, Captain Feline," Charles interrupted Felin and looked at Lu Xing, who had been silent. "I make the decision here, if you don't want this kid to fail to graduate in the future."

  "Of course, for the sake of such a beautiful Captain Feline, I can give him a few minutes to prepare, hahaha."

  Feilin's face turned completely cold. She knew that things would not go well today.

  The mental testing room does not allow any electronic products that may interfere with the equipment. She left the contact device outside, and now she has no way to contact Ruan Sui.

  In fact, she could go out and get her own communicator to contact Ruan Sui, but she was afraid that Charles would kill him if she went out for a few minutes.

  Charles was a minion of the Leden family, and Ruili was defeated by Ruan Sui. Charles couldn't let Lu Xing go for the sake of his master's face.

  Ruan Sui asked them to follow him just in case, but now she was the only one left in the examination room. Her unreliable eldest brother had diarrhea and didn't know where to squat in the toilet, so there was no hope.

  Feilin walked to Lu Xing's side without saying a word and comforted her softly: "They shouldn't dare to really hurt you, but you will definitely have to bear the physical pain."

  As if she was afraid that Lu Xing would get angry and decide to inspect according to the regulations, Feilin spoke faster: "Don't worry, I will find a way to contact Colonel Ruan Sui."

  "No need," Lu Xing put his physical examination form in Feline's hand, his voice was cold and resounded throughout the entire examination room, "Colonel Charles is the commander and he wants to teach the new students not to be harsh. Besides, I have nothing against the rules. ."

  Charles had a surprised expression on his feminine face, as if he didn't expect Lu Xing's mind to spin so fast and dare to threaten him.

  "Of course." Charles winked at Mark and Vic, and the two immediately stepped forward to surround Lu Xing.

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