Chapter 6: Ghosted

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Niki ran as fast as he could, trying to make it on time. While talking to Sunoo, he hadn't seen the time go by. Maybe it was because, the male was a fun person to be with.

He prayed that he would arrive on time. If he didn't. This could be the end of him, if his father finds out. As soon as he entered his bedroom, he quickly placed his bag on the floor and quickly changed into his pyjamas. Suddenly he heard footsteps, making him freeze, unable to move a muscle.

"Niki? Are you asleep?" The familiar voice could be heard. The blonde was able to get a hold of himself and tiptoe towards his bed, and then quietly covered himself.

"Why is the door locked?" He could hear his father say, making him panic even more.

He suddenly heard the sound of keys and soon after the door opened. He had completely forgotten his dad had a spare key to his room.
Niki closed his eyes and pretended to sleep, making sure he didn't look suspicious by covering his face slightly with the quilt.

He heard the footsteps getting louder, he could feel his father's intimidating presence behind him. He wanted to move so badly, it made him uncomfortable staying in that position for so long.

"I hope you know I don't despise you.. I'm doing all this for your own good"

Those words made Niki drown in confusion, what could his father possibly mean? Niki always felt like his father resented him to death. 'Your own good.' It seemed like there was something to it. But what?

The footsteps could be heard again, before it stopped. Niki would've assumed that his father left, but the door had not made a closing sound yet.

"What is this bag? .. why is the window open so widely."Niki could hear his father say.

His heart dropped.

He felt helpless... would his cover be blown so quickly?


He was saved, as one of his father's workers called out his name. He heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the door finally closing. The blonde opened one eye to make sure no one was around and quickly ran to his backpack, took his mask out of the bag and hid it in his wardrobe. Just in case his father decides to make an unexpected appearance again.

"Phew.. that was so close.. why is being a secret dancer so complicated?" Niki sighed, as he went back to bed.. He stared at the ceiling all night.. lost in thought at his father's strange words. He also couldn't help but think of what would have happened if his father had opened the door just a little before he came back.. it would've  been a real mess.


Niki barely slept at night. His eyes were slightly red, he had to make sure that his father wouldn't notice. He would definitely suspect something was up saw them. Not to mention the wide open window or the backpack on the floor, which already made him look suspicious.

After greeting his parents and barely having breakfast, he walked to school. He would be seeing Sunoo again today.. and for some reason, it made him smile.

"Jake.. I'll be going to meet someone during break, don't wait for me to go to the cafeteria."

"Alright? But who are you meeting.."

"An old friend." Niki lied, he couldn't possibly explain to Jake who the male was.

He waited almost two hours, trying his best not to fall asleep in class, as he waited for the bell to ring. And as soon as it did, he rushed towards the back garden of the school to meet the brown haired boy..he ran through the hallways, brushing against the crowd of students to finally arrive at the garden. He looked around, searching for the him, but he was unable to find him.

"Maybe I should wait a bit.."

10 minutes became 30

30 minutes became an hour

Niki found himself waiting the whole break for the male.

Break was over and Sunoo had still not appeared. Niki felt slightly hurt that he was ghosted like that. He actually thought the brown haired male was actually a kind person.. maybe he was wrong... He sighed as he walked up to his next class, feeling betrayed.

"Where were you man? You said you would meet someone.. not stay with him the whole break?" Jake asked, slightly concerned.

"He didn't show up.. I've been fooled."

"What? I'm confused.. how?"

"It doesn't matter. Let's just follow the class." Niki said, as he shifted his gaze to the what the teacher was writing on the board, unaware that Jake was looking at him worriedly.


"I should probably go see him again.. maybe he is actually where I've met him for the first time." the blonde said, as he quickly locked the door to his room and jumped out of his bedroom window.

He didn't know why, but he had a feeling Sunoo had a reason why he didn't show up. He decided to give the male a chance to explain. So he sneaked out, even if he knew how risky it was.

He ran, following the lights of the city to reach to the park, where him and Sunoo had met. Would the male be there? He really hoped so. On arriving, he looked around looking for the male, until his eyes fell on the familiar fox boy.

"Sunoo.." Niki called out as he rushed towards the him.

"Niki?.." Sunoo said as he stood up and walked towards the blonde.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes.. I am. I'm sorry I didn't come to school today.. I feel really bad for not telling you this. It's just what happened at home was sudden.. I couldn't-"

"Shh.. it's okay.. you don't have to explain.. I'm not mad."

"Im really sorry.." Sunoo said, his voice quivering slightly.

"Don't apologize.."

"You waited the whole break didn't you.."

"No.. I waited for 15 minutes then I left." Niki lied, he didn't want to make the older feel guilty.

"Okay.. that's reassuring."

"Is there something going on?" Niki asked.

"No.. it's nothing important really.." Sunoo smiled, but Niki could immediately tell it was fake.

Why does he look so broken? were the only words that came to his mind as he stared into Sunoo's pale brown eyes.
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