Chapter 3 He Knows

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Isaca was running around on his castle as he was trying find all the info he could to sent to the little group, it was a very difficult task as his brother was starting to get suspicious as how much magic Isaca was using lately. Isaca got hold of some servants, some loyal ones to him " go to the sacred library and bring me every book about the creature clans, and about curses and poisons" he demanded " oh and be discreet dont let my brother find you guys" them bow and ran away.Isaca couldn't be still when he was watching the little ones doing all the work to save his sister, he needed to help as he was one of the culprits.When he was going to get the holy water to make a water mirror to watch Scarlet, his brother apeared out no where " Hello brother, taking interest in that dirty creatures?" he say as he walked to Isaca backs, with a blink Isaca changed the water view to some village but he didnt know his brother had a glimpse of Scarlet " was just watching what they doing to see what they were able to offer us once this all ends for them".It wasnt normal for isaca to lie so he was kinda afraid his brother didnt believe in him " well done my brother".Pentaro walked away but he knew something was off, Isaca was lying to him and he wanted to know why, and that girl he saw who was her.He went to his chambers and called some disciples " follow my brother see what he do and his servants, dont let him see you guys, i want to know whats going on". with that the minions disapear in black smoke, Pentaro went to a crystal bowl and with a knife cutted his wrist, some blood fell on the water inside the bowl, he got the girl image on the water " im gonna find you and then destroy you, i see my brother is hidding something and your in it.Back at Krovia Scarlet and the other three rode during somedays to reach the witches lair, it was getting cold as they where so up at the mountain, Scarlet didnt liked cold, her body normally didnt react well to it, her magic would be weak, and where they were headed she couldnt show weakness.Her breath was getting heavier and longer, Sebastian notice it and got his horse closer to her " Scar are you ok?" he asked as he saw her getting paler, her pink cheeks were white as snow and her eyes were getting darker " im just not made for the cold weather " she reply softly and weakly. He made her horse stop and went out his, getting the wolf skin cape from her bag, he put it over her "came here " he open his arm for her, she slowly let her body fall from the horse into his arms, he got her and put her on his horse, sat behind her and Mark went to her horseto ride it as Jean had theirs "Sebastian..." Scarlet looked behind to him " sshh just cuddle to me and get warm, witches are evil and they cant know our weakness" he wrapped his arms around her and felt her little body cuddle in his chest, surprising her size was a perfect fit on his. He wasnt a easy guy to fall for any charm of women but Scarlet did got under his skin, he didnt know why or how but he started liking her in this days, he could see she was a softie inside under all that tough mask. 

Scarlet Pov

 As i started to get warmer i realized i was in Sebastian horse with him, damn i lost counsience for a bit, the cold really mess with me. Weirdly it was a good feeling, being on Sebastian arms, maybe was the cold talking but it was so good be around him, i never had felt like this before and i wasnt used to it, having someone taking care of me. After some hours riding the horses i could feel the presence of some energy shield "we close, we going to enter in their territory, Mark drink Jean potion to cover what you are your smell" he did right away, witches didnt liked werewolfs and we didnt needed a fight on their territory. I took hold on Sebastian hand and whispered " carefull now, what you may see it may not be real, witches play alot with minds and as ur a human its easier for them to play you" Sebastian looked at me and winked "Dont worry Scar i grow up training against magic as im a dark knight" i just nodded but yet i was worried and i knew i needed to keep an eye on him.we passed the energy barrier and the air just changed, the cold calmed down, there was snow everywhere still but the air was warm, we followd a small path that leaded us to a very big village,if it wasnt for the barrier this village was spotted right away from down mountain.Sebastian's horse got a bit agitaded, he then jumped down horse and walked beside it as we entered the village, i made sure my head was covered, i could pass well for a normal person with a weird energy just."Scar we close to the castle" i nodded and started get a bit worried as there wasnt anyone around at streets, as they knew we was there, or was it a big spell of hiding? something was going up and i didnt liked it. 

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