Chapter 36

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It had been a week since Symphony had woken from her coma-like state, and she was still trying to piece her memories back together. She had been trying to make a connection with Starlett as well but with no luck. The only good thing that happened this past week was her getting her voice back. She had been checked over by the doctors and they told her that everything seemed normal.

She hadn't really spoken to Alexander much since she woke up. She had been kind of avoiding him. She knew that he had told her everything that had happened before she fell into whatever state she was in, but she felt like he was leaving something out. Even after reading his journal, she felt that way. She didn't like that feeling.

Damion and Gavin had come to visit her every day and even they seemed like they were hiding something from her. She knew if they were it was because Alexander told them to keep quiet, so she didn't blame them.

Alexander had moved his desk out of their room and was now working in his office just down the hall. He was confused by Symphony's actions. He didn't know what was going on with her and he was trying to help her in any way he could, when she let him that is. He knew he hadn't been able to reach her wolf and that was driving her crazy. The way she was acting towards him though didn't make sense. She was basically giving him the could shoulder and he didn't know why.

He had Gavin and Damion try to talk to her and they couldn't get anything out of her. It was definitely out of character for her. The doctors told him that she was fine and that her reaction was normal after what she had been through. He tried to believe them, but he just wanted his Symphony back.

As Symphony confined herself to the bedroom, she had a lot of time to think. The doctors had told her that she should get out and that fresh air would do her some good. She didn't listen, she would rather deal with the company she got than deal with everyone else.

The next few weeks continued as they had been, she kept trying to reach her wolf and the last time she tried it felt different. Before she had been able to at least feel her wolf somewhere in there but now she wasn't able to. It scared her.

What if she had lost Starlett, would Alexander still care, would the kingdom be willing to accept a wolfless queen. The thoughts ran through her head constantly.

When Alexander came to bed that night he saw Symphony sitting there, with her head in her hands. He heard her crying. He went over to her and sat in front of her, he rapped his arms around her to comfort her. This time she didn't push him away. He asked her what was wrong. At first she just cried harder but after a few minutes she collected herself and looked at him. For the first time since she had woken she actually got a good look at him, his eyes had dark circles under them, he hadn't shaved, he looked as miserable as she felt. She took a ragged breath before she told him what was bothering her.

"I can't feel Starlett anymore. Before I was able to at least feel her presence but couldn't get to her but now I don't even feel her with me. How can you stay with a wolfless mate? How will the people of your kingdom react to a queen with no wolf?" She asked him, trying not to cry again.

He looked at her. He didn't know quite what to say. He pulled her closer to him, kissing the top of her head.

"We will figure this out, we always figure things out when we work together."

"How can we figure this out together? I cant even figure out my missing memories." She told him, as she started to cry again.

Alexander just held her, trying to figure out how o comfort her.

"Hey, listen to me, for one thing with or with out your wolf I am not going anywhere, you are stuck with me. As far as what our people will think, they don't have to know that your wolf is missing right now. With your memories they will come back when they are ready to, for now just don't worry about it." He told her, running his hand on her back.

"I feel like there are things that happened that you aren't tell me though, so how can I wait for my memories to come back to fill in the blanks." She said backing away from him.

Alexander looked hurt by her words. He wasn't hiding anything from her, he had told her honestly everything that had happened right up to the point of her collapsing on the battlefield and her glowing. He didn't leave anything out.

"How about this." He finally said.

"Why don't we get some sleep, we will both feel better after we get some sleep. Then tomorrow we will sit down with Damion and Gavin and one of the men that were fighting along side of you, and we can all go over the events of that day. Maybe they saw something that I didn't that may help us get your wolf back. Does that sound agreeable with you?" He asked.

"Yeah, maybe another point of view will be helpful." She said drying her eyes.

She pushed Alexander away and stood up. She changed into comfy clothes. Alexander did the same. They crawled into bed, and she rolled away from him facing the wall. He lay on his side and pulled her close to him. He kissed the back of her head before drifting off to sleep.

For Symphony, sleep did not come easy. Her eyes were heavy, but her mind kept running and wouldn't stop. Even wrapped in Alexander's arms and his scent engulfing her, it was almost dawn before she fell asleep.

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