Chapter 10

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Alexander knew that what he had told Damion and Gavin was a lot to take in. He knew now what he did back then was wrong but it couldn't be changed. He still had the plan of making Symphony his but he didn't think it would be by force this time. He had a feeling that Symphony would become his willingly if he asked her. While the three men sat in the office in silence, they had no idea that Symphony had heard everything and had ran away.

Damion was in shock at what he heard from Alexander. He knew the story around was that someone had killed the Alpha and Luna and their daughter had been taken but never in a million years did he think that Alexander had anything to do with it. He knew that Alexander had killed her parents but he didn't realize who they were. He knew Symphony had power just by her scent, but he didn't realize why she had her power but now he did. He almost felt bad for helping Alexander with all of this, but Symphony was just an innocent bystander in all of this.

Gavin knew the entirety of the story. He helped Alexander come up with the plan, he was in charge of keeping Symphony safe, he kept people away that wanted to ask questions. He never questioned Alexander on any of this, when deep down he knew he should have, even after the attacks.

Alexander looked at his uncle with uneasiness forming in his stomach. He never wanted to tell him that sorty because he knew he would be disappointed. He had no other choice to tell him though if he wanted his help more than what he had already done. He was met with cold eyes as he looked at his uncle.

"I honestly don't know what to say to you right now Alexander. You put a lot of people at risk by taking Symphony. Her classmates could have been killed at that school when it was attacked. How many of your guards were killed because of this. To say I am disappointed would be an understatement." Damion said shaking his head "If you want my help anymore I suggest you tell Symphony about all of this. She is strong and can handle this. She needs to know why she is being targeted and until you tell her I no longer want any part of this."

Damion then headed out of Alexanders office, his head down. He was so disappointed in Alexander for everything. He knew he was the only one that would be able to help Symphony but she needed to know the truth about everything first.

Alexander sighed and looked over at Gavin. They both knew it was time to tell Symphony the truth, as much as is would hurt her she needed to know. They came to the conclusion that Alexander would tell her tomorrow, give her one more day before he broke her heart.

Both men got up and headed out of the office and headed down to the kitchen to grab something to eat. Alexander was surprised that Symphony wasn't in the kitchen when they arrived. Normally by this time she had food waiting for them. He never asked her to cook for them though, she just loved to cook.

He looked at Gavin who had the same confused look on his face. They both shrugged assuming Symphony had gotten busy with school work or caught up in a book. They grabbed something out of the fridge to heat up.

After they finished eating Gavin told Alexander that he was going to check with the guards to see if anything had been happening. Alexander nodded and Gavin left. Alexander decided to make a plate up for Symphony and take it to her room, after all the girl needed to eat.

As he reached her room, he realized it was quiet. He didn't hear anything. He opened her door and his heart sank. Her room was a mess, clothes thrown everywhere, her desk unorganized, her bed torn apart. He thought she had been taken.

"How could someone have taken her with all of us here" He thought "She wouldn't have just left"

"Are you sure about that" Dax asked "Are you sure she didn't get sick of being stuck in this house"

Dax had a point but that would have been out character for Symphony, she would have told him or at least left a note.

He quickly called Gavin to come back to the house and even called his uncle. He didn't know where she was or if she had been taken or left on her own. He knew one thing he had to find her before she was hurt or worse killed.

While he waited for his uncle and Gavin to come back her searched her room for any clues as to where she might have gone. As he was looking over her desk he caught something sparkle out of the corner of his eye. He took a closer look and his heart broke, it was the necklace he had given her for her birthday, she never took it off, and here it was the clasp broke and thrown in a corner. A feeling of dread took over him and a thought crept into his mind.

"Had she heard him tell his uncle about her, did she know that he kidnapped her and killed her parent and the reason why" He thought to himself is mind going a million miles a minute. "There is no way she could've heard that. I would've known if she was listening outside the door, wouldn't I"

He knew that his office walls were soundproof but he didn't know how well her wolf hearing was with her powers, he never tested it. He felt so stupid. He should have just told her everything when the attacks started, when she first received that note. He then got hit like a ton of bricks, what if she never comes back.

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