Crocodile Link

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There is something missing from our world. The amazing animals that time has left behind. But what if we could bring them back? what if extinction didn't have to be forever? we're going back in time on a safari with a difference, as wildlife adventurer Nigel Marvin plunges into prehistory to rescue creatures on the brink of extinction. His plan is to bring them back to the safety of the present day to give them a second chance.

This time, Nigel is traveling back 203 million years to Arizona to endure the largest mass extinction that the world has ever seen in attempts to save a unique relative of the crocodile.

Welcome to the ultimate wildlife sanctuary, welcome to prehistoric park.

Prehistoric Park is coming together nicely, with a breeding flock of Ornithomimus, a wooly mammoth and a family of moa all calling the park home. However, The Parks Female Deinosuchus pregnancy is causing head Keeper Bob Problems

At Deinosuchus Dip Bob and Sussane can be seen collecting eggs from the Deinosuchus nest. "That's the last of them for now". Shouts Bob to Sussane. "Ok Bob I'll take these to the incubator then I'll let her back in!" responds sussane, taking the eggs off to be incubated. The female Deinosuchus can be seen basking in the sun in a fenced off paddock next to her enclosure.

Bob turns to the Camera. "She's started to lay her eggs so far we have around forty five, however to ensure they all survive we are going to incubate them all." Before Bob can Continue Nigel heads down into the enclosure. "Morning Bob hows it all going?"

"Not to bad Nigel just got the latest eggs out, mind you Nige if she keeps on laying at this rate we will have to get another incubator." He chuckles wiping sweat from his forehead. "Where are we going to keep them all ?" Bob asks whilst walking up towards the enclosure's bank. "Oh don't worry Bob I've got a few ideas."

However Nigel's ideas will have to wait as he is about to embark on his most dangerous expedition yet! He is travelling back two hundred and three million years ago to Prehistoric Arizona to save some of its unique triassic creatures from the largest mass extinction the world has ever seen.

Nigel and Bob are now out of Deinosuchus dip. They watch on as Bob's team let the Female Deinosuchus back into her enclosure. "So you off on your next mission Nigel?" Asks Bob. "Yes Bob I'm planning on saving as many species as possible, so I need several enclosures of all different sizes and set ups ready just incase." replies Nigel. "No worries Nigel, so you don't have a target species in mind this time?". Asks Bob. " We are going back to a bigger extinction than the one that killed the dinosaurs so I'd like to save as many species as possible but there is one I refuse to leave without."

The Deinosuchus launches itself out of the water and up to her nest to lay more eggs. Nigel continues " A type of land dwelling herbivores crocodile called Desmatosuchus." Bob looks confused. "Nigel we have over one hundred giant crocodiles on the way and now you're going to risk your life to save another!" He laughs at the thought "Only you Nigel Marvin, only you". Nigel joins in on the laughter. "Desmatosuchus means Link crocodile in latin Bob but it's more like a scaly sheep." " Well that does sound like a creature I'd like to see and let's face it Nige you survived the exctinction of the dinosaurs so I'm sure you'll survive this!" Nigel pats Bob on the shoulder then walks to his jeep ready for his next adventure. Bob turns to the camera as Nigel drives away. "I'm sure there was something I had to give him?" He scratches his head at the thought. His radio cracks to life with one of his assistants telling him the Titanosaurs need feeding. "Oh well it will have to wait."

Nigel is heading back to the very end of the triassic period to save the Desmatosuchus. Scorching lava, suffocating heat and toxic gases will stand in his way. Needless to say this will be his most dangerous mission yet.

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