Chapter 6 - Kurumi Meets Kurumi

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Shido's POV:

Tohka: "Shido! Shido! Is dinner almost done?"

Yoshino: "Dinner smells delicious. . ."

Yoshinon: "Hurry lucky lecher! my stomach is rumbling!"

Shido: "Alright, alright. hold your horses girls."

Shido finishes cooking their dinner. he had to make a lot of it due to Tohka's almost bottomless appetite, thankfully Rotatoskr provides whatever necessities the spirits might need, and even provides for their wants. after some finishing touches, Shido completes his creation and serves the former spirits.

Tohka: "Oooooo Yummy!!"

Yoshino: "Yay."

After serving Yoshino and Tohka, Shido sits on the couch having some time for himself. that is until his little commander sister Kotori and Head Analyst Reine Murasame come into the living room and approach Shido. they wear serious faces.

Kotori: "Shido we need to talk."

Shido: "Sure, what do we need to talk about?"

Reine: "It's about the <The Gardener>"

Shido: "<The Gardener>?"

Kotori: "The Spirit we tried to seal earlier."

Reine: "That is her codename."

Shido: "Oh, so the Traveler. . ."

Kotori: "Reine can you turn the TV on."

Reine: "affirmative."

Reine grabs the TV remote and presses the power button, turning the TV on. flashing onto the screen a news report is playing.

News Reporter: "Hello welcome to tonight's Tengu News. We have Breaking News coming in from our Reporters on the scene."

Reporter: "Yes, I'm on the scene of something extraordinary. As you can see behind me is a massive white tree, you can see it tower above all the buildings. It appeared during one of many Spacequakes that are plaguing Tengu City."

Reporter: "Currently, law enforcement and Military involvement are advising citizens to stay clear of this district of Tengu City due to seismic activity caused by this white tree

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Reporter: "Currently, law enforcement and Military involvement are advising citizens to stay clear of this district of Tengu City due to seismic activity caused by this white tree. If you see anything that resembles white roots don't hesitate to get in touch with law enforcement."

Suddenly, The Itsuka residence trembles and shakes a little. plates and items on desks and tables shake left and right from the quake. Tohka, Yoshino, and Yoshinon are startled by the small quake.

Tohka: "What's happening?"

Yoshino: "Scary. . ."

Yoshinon: "Woah, unexpected earthquake!"

Shido looks around concerned that things might start dropping. Kotori and Reine are unfazed by the quake. Shido looks back toward his commander-little-sister.

Being the Traveler, literally (Date a Live x Destiny 2 fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now