Chapter 20

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Asura's PoV

Standing on the cliff of purgatory, looking at the sky, I wonder how Asmodeus fared with his punishment. Satan comes up next to me, his mind brushing gently against mine. I smile and say, "Are we ready?"

"Ready as we'll ever be," His words are chilling. We could never be truly ready for the sacrifice this will take. A group serving only so the rest can survive. Satan's arms wrap around me as he gently kisses my head.

"Ignis," I start.

No, his mind cuts me off, there are no goodbyes for us. Not today. Not for a long time.

I just nod and lean back into his chest. Mammon strolls up, clad in his light fighting armor. He says, "I hear you're with child, Asura. Congratulations you guys."

"His names gonna be Kali," Satan tells him.

"Ah a boy, maybe he'll get along with my son," Mammon's smile is one of sweet love. The kind of love that you find with your mate and family. His gold eyes warm at the thought.

"Zyon, right?" Satan asks, "But your mate is pregnant again?"

"Zyon," Mammon nods. His eyes fall even deeper into a warm gold, "Yes, eight months pregnant with our second son."

"I'm sure they'll be the best of friends," I smile at him. He grins back and I notice for the first time he has dimples.

Satan says, voice returning to seriousness, "It's time to line up."

Mammon nods and then we are walking down to the grassy plains. My pulse spikes as I see our small Elite team. The Fallen are all present and a few major demons. A squadron silent as death as we wait for the King of Hell to return from his punishment.

The angels soar down first, smashing to the ground in front of us. They're dressed in protective armor, their wings unfurled from their back in a display of raw power. Raziel smirks at me and I grin, stepping next to my mate. Satan's eyes shoot to me and then him. At the ownership flashing Raziel's eyes Satan growls and pulls me into me.

Kiss me, Satan, My mind wraps around his and he smirks, the danger in his eyes and smile draw me in. He glances at Raziel and then me. His lips brush mine and the fire shoots through me warm and alive, burning me to my core. His hand firm against my back as he traps me to his lips. His mind curls around me as he whispers into my head, Fuck, Asura. Will you marry me? When this is all done will you marry me?

I'm melting, the fire burning through me flaring higher. I whimper into his mouth as he deepens the kiss, love pours from his bond into me endlessly. His love burns as his mind curls around mine. I answer as I fall into his love, into his fire, Yes. Yes, Satan. I want you to make me your wife.

He smirks and pulls away. He draws a ring from his pocket. It's a simple ruby the same burning red his eyes are. The red I've spent my life loving before I knew him. He slides it onto my ring finger and then whispers, "Forever."

"Always," I agree and he kisses my forehead.

"That's so lovely to see," A voice says walking in from behind the other Angels. Micheal pushes through the crowd, his brown hair and bright eyes glowing in the first edging of sunrise. His flaming sword is a bright light against the dark of the night. He laughs and it sounds empty, "The weapon falling in love. I guess miracles do happen."

He's covered in blood, I realize. It's splattering his face and arms, gleaming a dark red as Micheal's eyes glare into us. Satan growls drawing his blade and I put my hand on his arm. If he starts now we'll be forced to submit because of the rules of the battle. It's Asmodeus's blood, Satan's mind whispers against mine. My body tenses as I also draw my swords. The angels flare their wings, but Micheal doesn't and I realize his wing is barely being held off the ground: the only thing he can do with his broken wing.

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