Chapter 8 - Scales of Balance

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It was just supposed to be another normal day. A day like any other. A day where everything was the same as it normally was.

But today, as Glitch would soon find out, would be the worst and possibly the best day of his life.

He was just heading to school like normal, and after school, he would head to his lab at his house to do some more work on his Gateway. His life's work. He could almost feel it was finished. Just some final touches were needed. But he couldn't worry about that until exams finished.

Grabbing his belongings, he locked up his house and began the short walk from Electricity City to Bayside Academy. It was peaceful walk most of the times, but chatter of the students dreading the exams broke that today. Complaints how exams were stupid, panicking about not studying enough, bets on who would get the higher score, he heard it all. He just picked up the pace. It had been happening for the last few days now, so nothing new. Only one more exam remained for everyone in their final year of the Academy then who knows what next.

Stopping by his locker, Glitch checked his exam timetable. Only Multiversal Studies remained. And it would be the most peaceful one of them all, since like only five kids took the class. It was this class that inspired him to start the Gateway. It was his dream to build a portal into the Multiverse. Imagine the unlimited possibilities there would be with it.

The bell rang as he reached the exam room. No one else was there except for the robot that would be monitoring them. As he heard the voices approaching him, he entered to room to find the best spot possible and get set up. All there was left to was to wait for the exam start.

When it did, there wasn't a single question Glitch had trouble with. He had plenty of knowledge on it from the lessons and study he did. He finished with an hour to spare, leaving him free to daydream about what could happen once the Gateway was finished. He'd become famous, be all over the news, and if it could help everyone return home, a hero. He'd finally beat that Karlos kid, who was working on a new power source that could apparently also be used to break reality if desire was there.

Glitch hated Karlos with every part of his body. From day one, he refused to even respect him. He'd always one up him at every turn. Although he didn't know it, Glitch considered him his rival, and possibly even an enemy. He always dreamed of the day he finally beat him at something. Which was why completing the Gateway was so important.

As the time was up, Glitch handed his paper in and immediately left for the main lab before heading home. There was still somethings he needed from there, and unlike everyone else, he wasn't planning hanging out with friends. 

He had always been on the quiet side of things, so he didn't really talk to anyone, meaning he didn't have any friends. The closest people he could call as friends, was Riley and his friends. They talked occasionally and sometimes, he'd even sit with them. But he was mainly by himself the rest of the time.

The walk to the lab took a good half an hour, but he didn't mind. There was no need to rush on finishing it, although it would be a good idea to check on Karlos' progress. The lab was mostly quiet, with the only sounds coming from downstairs in the basement.

"Great, Karlos must be showing off his project." Glitch groaned in his head. "Might as well just get my stuff and finish my Gateway before he can finish his."

He sped up his walking and grabbed the final pieces he needed for the Gateway. As headed towards the door, he could hear some commotion coming down stairs. But it wasn't like the applauded he was expecting. Instead, it sounding more like screaming. He felt an urge to go and see what was happening, but his second hesitation saved him from doing so, as someone yelled, "Get out of here, its gonna blow and destroy our reality!"

Future Defenders - Book 2 - Call of the MultiverseTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon