Affan was quiet throughout the drive.
Ya Affan, Adnan called.
Affan didn't answer.
Adnan leave him. Your brother is not in his right sense of humour now. He needs to be alone. Salman muttered.
Adnan nod his head in understanding.
Salman reach Affan's New house.
He drive inside and park his car in the parking lot.
Affan what about the lunch won't you join your in-laws? Salman asked.
No, I'm not in the mood for that. I don't want to eat anything just want to be alone. Affan muttered curtly.

Salman open the door and they walk in.
Where are we? Affan asked.
We are in the living room. Salman muttered.
Take me to my bedroom. Affan muttered.
I will do that. Adnan muttered.
Salman give him the key.
Adnan take Affan's hand and take him to his bedroom.
He open the door with the key and they walk in.

Affan sit on the bed.
Affan is tired of crying. He often wish he was never born.
Ya Affan, Adnan called.
Adnan get out. Affan muttered.
Adnan get out. Affan Yelled and push Adnan.
Adnan stand up and storm out of Affan's bedroom.

Salman, he is upset with me. Adnan muttered with a sigh.
He is not. You should understand your brother now. Your brother is pained. His heart is broken into pieces. He needs someone to mend his broken heart and I don't think anyone can do that but Allah.
The Lord will ease Your brother's affairs and will reveal the truth to us.
Why does your mother hate him so much? Salman muttered.
Adnan Humm.
They heard a strange voice. Obscured voice of Affan sniffing.

Are you sure he is fine? I'm scared. What if he commit suicide? Adnan muttered worriedly.
He hold the handle to open the door.
You will piss him off if you intrude into his privacy. If Affan said you should leave then do that.
He will be alright. Let's give him some space. Trust me. I know your brother very well because we grew up together. Salman muttered.

Salman and Adnan lie down on the couch in the living room.
Salman this is 8:00 pm. Ya Affan has been indoor for 8 hours. Are you sure he is alright? Adnan muttered worriedly.
The bride will soon be conveyed to the house and I don't know if my brother is alright. Adnan muttered.
Salman facepalm. He is also worried.
They heard Affan's footsteps.
Adnan and Salman puff a relieved sigh.

Affan walks to them.
I'm sorry guys I might have scared you. Affan muttered.
I'm sorry Salman I yelled at you in my father's house. Affan apologize.
I'm Hungry is there any food for me to eat before my bride arrives? Affan muttered with a smile.
Salman and Adnan shook their heads.
Yes. Adnan muttered.
Please give it to me. I'm famished. Affan muttered.
Adnan takes the plates and serve Affan.

Affan enjoy the food. He demands for more.
Affan's phone started ringing. He pick it up.
Affan, I hope you are ready because the bride is on her way with her family. Doc Salim muttered.
Okay, Uncle. Affan muttered.
He inform Adnan and Salman.
Adnan take Affan to his bedroom and he change his clothes.
He Saunter out of the room.
They march to the garden and stayed there.


10:00 pm

Adnan and Salman take Affan to Kamila's bedroom after her family leave.
Good night. Salman muttered.
Thank you, Salman. Affan hug Salman and pat his back.
Good night, bro. Adnan muttered.
Good night, Adnan. Take care of yourself, Ummi and Afnan. Affan muttered.
Inn Sha Allah I'll. Adnan muttered.

Assalamualaikum, Affan enter the room with Taslim.
Kamila, won't you reply my taslim? Affan rub the wall searching for the bed to sit beside her.
His leg hit the bed. Affan chuckle. That lead him to where he was going. He touched the bed and sit down.
Kamila, are you close to me? Affan asked.
Kamila Humm.
She sniff.

Are you crying? You miss home already.
I'm here for you. I promise to take good care of you. Affan touch her.
She wiggle out of his hold.
Don't touch me. Kamila snapped.
Why? I'm your husband. Affan muttered.
I don't care but don't come near me. Kamila spat.
Affan shook his head.
Go to the bathroom perform ablution let's pray. Affan muttered.
Please take me to the bathroom. Affan muttered.

Kamila hissed and take Affan's hand.
She take him to the bathroom and guide him to the faucet. Kamila turn it on and Affan perform ablution.
I'm I going to be doing this everyday? This is so frustrating. I married a blind man. Kamila cried out silently.
She take Affan out immediately he finish performing ablution.
Kamila perform ablution too and Saunter out of the bathroom.

She spread two prayer mat.
I have spread the mat. Kamila muttered.
Kamila watch Affan stand on the mat and face the right direction. She roll her eyes because she thought she had to guide him with that also.
Kamila put on her Hijab.
Affan started praying.
They finish praying and Affan lecture her about marriage.
He tell her what he likes and dislikes.
How he want her to dress even though he can't see.

Affan search for Kamila's forehead.
Kamila quickly guide his hand to her forehead.
Affan recite the Dua for newly wed.
He lean forward to kiss her.
Kamila push Affan immediately his lip collide with hers.
Don't ever try that. I'm not here to give you children.
Stay in your lane. Kamila hissed.
Affan shook his head.
Take me to my room. Affan muttered.
Kamila roughly hold Affan's hand and take him to his bedroom.

Good night. Affan muttered.
Kamila ignore him and slam the door shut.
Affan shook his head.
He successfully walk to the bed without missing his step.
He lie down and recite his Azkhar before he dozed off.

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