"No way, seriously?" I gave a puzzled look with my eyebrows. "Why don't you apply it to me?"

"You know why."

"Oh yeah, definitely. You find me too attractive and charming. You can't handle it."

She rolled her eyes and clenched her lips in anger.

I burst out laughing and said. "That's the Luna I'm talking about!"

"Can we just skip dinner and focus on business? It'll be quick. I just need to know if you're down to help us or not."

I thought for a moment and then said. "Actually, I haven't made up my mind yet. Let's have dinner first, then I'll give you my answer."

She didn't look happy. I could totally read her mind. This damn jerk is playing hard to get.

I thought she'd get mad, but she surprised me by smiling and speaking calmly. "Absolutely."

We went to the dining room together. I opened the door and let her go in first.

All of a sudden, she just stopped. And then I understood why.

There was a gorgeous romantic table setting right in the middle of the dining room. It was a square table covered in a white tablecloth. The table had a stunning vase of red roses, candles in glass jars, plates, silverware, crystal glasses, and wine.

There was also some soft background music that made the atmosphere more romantic, and the dim lights made it feel cozy and intimate.

I was totally freaking out. My eyes went huge.



What the hell is happening? Is he trying to seduce me?

I gave Colton a furious look and he looked shocked.

I was ready to explode at him when he defensively raised his hands and said.

"Calm down, it's not what you think. My butler totally misunderstood me. This is meant for tomorrow."

Tomorrow? And then it hit me what he said.

"Oh, I see." I nodded, and looked at the romantic table setting again.

So, he has a special date tomorrow. I started thinking if he's dating someone or in a relationship. If it's the latter, then good for him.

He clapped his hands twice, and then everything got all bright and ruined the romantic mood.

"Just don't pay attention to these things." He pointed at the beautiful settings on the table.

"No worries."

"So, let's have dinner then?" He said, and we went to the table.

I was shocked when he acted all gentlemanly. He helped me get comfortable in my seat and put the napkin on my lap.

His kind gesture made my heart flutter. I didn't know why I was feeling that way. I liked him being so nice, caring and gentlemanly.

The server brought our food, and we wasted no time in eating in. They were like my top Japanese food. We've got a whole bunch of yummy food like sushi, Okonomiyaki, tempura, Ramen, Yakitori, Takoyaki, and more.

"Wow, these are seriously good." I said, and to my delight, I asked him. "How did you know I love Japanese food?"

He stopped eating, then said. "Nah, I didn't. I'm just in the mood for Japanese food tonight."

I blushed in embarrassment.

Darn it. Why am I assuming too much? Obviously, he doesn't give a damn about my food preferences. He could've given me poison if he felt like it.

I totally fell for his gentleman act earlier, being all caring and stuff. Totally slipped my mind, this is Colton. My arch-enemy.

"Let's talk about business." I said to remind us of the purpose of this dinner. "So, what's your answer? Are you going to help us?"

"Relax. We haven't gotten to dessert yet. Once we're done eating, we'll get down to business."

"Okay. As you wish." I shrugged my shoulders.

Dessert was served. I'm not sure if it was a coincidence or not. But it was a fancy Crème brûlée. It looks like the same one we both grabbed at Sweet and Sebastian's wedding anniversary.

I nodded and went, "Mmm..." as I savored the creamy dessert.

"Didn't I tell you? It's so delicious." He murmured and ate his share. "Oh, by the way, have you set a date for your wedding yet?"

Huh? That made my eyebrows rose. But then, I managed to answer him.

"I know you're really not interested. But for the sake of having a conversation, yeah. We're getting married in four months."

"Seriously? Four months?" He shook his head in disapproval. "You should really think about it. Don't rush into marriage without knowing who he really is."

"He's been my boyfriend for three years already. I know him so well."

"No, you don't." He said with a sarcastic grin.

"What do you mean by that?" My forehead wrinkled. What he said had a double meaning. "Is there something I should know?"

"Looks like you didn't do your research properly." He took a sip of his wine, then continued. "You should, you know. You'll be shocked when you realize he's not who you think."

"Are you messing with me? You can't ruin my relationship with Barry, if that's what you're trying to do. I'm going to marry him, no matter what you say."

"Chill, alright? I'm just saying, you got to know the person before committing yourself into marriage. It's a serious thing, you know. Once he marries you, he marries your family, too. Do you even know that?"

Anger just hit me like a ton of bricks. I couldn't stand being around him, seriously. Eventually, he'll push me to kill him.

"Of course I know that. You think I'm dumb when it comes to love and relationships, huh?"

"I didn't say that. You did. You're too innocent, Luna. You know nothing much about men. How many relationships did you have before Cox? I guess there was...none?"

"How dare you! So, how many girls did you sleep with to become a love and relationship expert, huh? I'm guessing you've hooked up with more than a hundred people!"

"Hate to break it to you, but I have way less than that. I could count on my hands." He smirked wickedly. "Why don't you ask your fiancé? You're gonna be shocked by the number."

"What is this all about, Colton? Is this about protecting Sweet and her family? Or you just hate me so much that you don't want me to be happy?"

"I don't know either. Perhaps the latter." He said, and that was the last straw.

"This conversation is going nowhere. You're just playing games with me." I wiped my mouth with the napkin and grabbed my purse.

"Are you going? We haven't gotten down to business yet." He raised an eyebrow.

"Forget about it. I shouldn't have come here." I stood up and walked out on him.

The Billionaire's Irresistible EnemyWhere stories live. Discover now