Chapter 14 - But You're Always Mad At Me

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"Do you want me or do you not? I heard one thing, now I'm hearing another." – Happiness Is A Butterfly (Lana Del Rey)

"Hey! Ho! Where they at, where they at?" 

The Glee Club was back together again. Violette missed being with all of her new friends. She danced beside Rachel, Santana just behind her as she made eye contact with Kurt across the group. They danced and cheered, and even if Violette failed to catch Quinn's eye during their "covert jam session" it was easy to be distracted in a group of friends, especially when Santana and Matt had spun Violette around until she was incredibly dizzy and had to lean on Rachel's chair for support.

Unfortunately, it was over too soon when Mercedes reminded the group of Sue's Kids that they had dance practice with Miss Sylvester. As they all said their goodbyes, Violette tried to catch Quinn's eye on the way out of the door. Quinn wouldn't even look at her and Kurt had to grab Violette's hand and almost drag her to their dance practice. If Quinn wouldn't even look at her, then it only fuelled Violette's belief that their fighting was Violette's fault. Violette only hoped JBI bought her lies and left Quinn out of things, maybe then Quinn would want her again.


When Mr Schue's Glee kids finally perform, it doesn't take long for it to turn into another Schue vs Sue argument. Violette was so tired of all the fighting, tired of fighting with Quinn, fighting with people at school to keep up her reputation, watching the Glee Club teachers fight. It was all too much, and Violette clung tightly to Kurt's arm who frowned at her in concern before wrapping his arm around her shoulders. Finn and Mercedes eventually interrupt the argument but seem begin one of their own. While Violette cowered slightly away from all the yelling, she also made a promise to herself that she was going to fix things, so she didn't have to fight anymore.


"You're all minorities, you're in the Glee Club," Mr Schue tells the group when the Glee Club finally reunites as a whole team. Violette frowns at Mr Schue's words though, because whilst she was happy it wasn't up to her to reunite the club, she's not entirely sure that Mr Schue really knows what he's talking about. To be fair Violette rarely thought Mr Schue knew what he was talking about at all, like ever. So, Violette just sits silently as Mr Schue continues his speech.

"So, it doesn't matter that Rachel is Jewish, or that Finn is-"

"Unable to tell my rights from my lefts," Finn interrupts as the Glee kids all laugh at his comment.

"Sure," Mr Schue continues, "Or that Santana is Latina... Or that Violette is-"

"-Pregnant," Sue quickly cuts off Mr Schue's speech as every single head in the room quickly whips to one Violette Donovan, who freezes under their stares.

"Sorry, V. It'll be all over the blogosphere by this afternoon. I'd like your uniform in my office by tomorrow, I can already see how you're stretching it out," Sue tells Violette, looking her up and down, before walking out of the room. Violette sits still, unable to even nod as she processes the news. She wasn't quite sure what to feel. When she told JBI that fake story she hadn't thought about how it might influence her life, just that maybe it would help Quinn's. It was Quinn that convinced Violette to join the McKinley Cheerios to help their popularity, but Violette liked the Cheerios. She liked dancing and tumbling and cheering at football games. Sure, she never cared much for the popularity but the actual cheerleading part, Violette had always loved that. Even when it was hard, Violette found herself enjoying the challenge. At least then Violette had some more concrete evidence that she didn't fail at everything, that she was good at something. Now Violette had lost that, but with any luck maybe she'd have Quinn back at least, then it would be okay.

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