Ch. 12: Risky Business

Start from the beginning

The silence stretches out, then Gino give a rough bark of a laugh, and motions to the server to bring him another drink.

"Fifty percent it is," he pronounces, "but you can't blame us for trying." He shakes his head and looks over at Joey D. "Just like his old man," Gino says, and Joey D slowly nods.

I'm still wondering what my role is in all this. Probably draft some agreements, sure, but isn't that what Malcolm does?

I don't have to wonder long.

Malcolm looks at me, notices I've barely touched my food. "Not hungry?"

Actually I feel my appetite coming back, and I pick up my tuna salad on croissant sandwich and take a small bite.

"I was just distracted by all the business discussions," I tell him.

Malcolm nods. "I asked Gino to pull you in because I'd like some help with the agreements. I'm a tax lawyer, as you know, so I can cover us there. But we want the documentation to be perfect on the purchase and sale, the commissions for the new pieces we'll be bringing in, everything else we need to show this is a legit operation."

I nod. "You do know I'm a criminal lawyer, not business law or mergers and acquisitions, right?"

"Hell, yes," Gino says, "a good criminal lawyer can make sure there aren't any, you know, red flags on this transaction."

Everyone chuckles and I fake a smile. Sounds to me like I'm about to become an accessory to another crime.

"Seriously, though," Malcolm says, and I'm thinking, what, I thought this was serious. "Your law firm handles M&A transactions all the time. You have access to all kinds of deals we can model this after."

"I guess . . ." I say.

It's true. Every lawyer in the firm has access to a shared directory of documents relating to all the firm's clients. The question is how I explain downloading those files to my laptop if anyone notices.

"Let me go over the key points with you," Malcolm says, and we spend the next hour doing just that. Meanwhile, Gino and Max have moved to a pair of chaises and stretched out to "get some sun." It's crazy coming from Florida to stretch out by a pool in New York City and get some sun, but I remind myself that Max and I are the only ones coming from Florida. Gino lives in New York, and Joey D is from New Jersey.

Joey D is over by the small outside bar chatting with the female bartender, and Bull is standing over by the wall smoking a cigarette. I'm pretty sure that isn't allowed here, even though it's outdoor space.

I'm also pretty sure no one is going go up to him and tell him to stop.

Gabe disappeared after a few quiet words with Max.

I spend the next hour going over the main points and the documents needed with Malcolm. I understand the nuts and bolts of the transaction, but not all the underlying reasons, and I'm certainly not going to ask Malcolm to explain exactly how money will be laundered through the art gallery.

Maybe I don't even need to know that.

Or maybe Max will explain it to me later.

When Malcolm and I finish up I walk over to where Max and Gino are deep in conversation. By now they've moved out of the sun and are back at the table sitting across from each other. As soon as I approach they stop talking. Max looks up at me, takes my hand, and pulls me onto his lap and gives me a quick but very familiar kiss.

"Get everything worked out with Malcolm?" he asks me, and I nod.

Max runs his hand absently along my leg, then rests it on my bare knee. I know he's just doing all this for Gino's benefit, but my body didn't get that memo and is tingling everywhere his hand touches.

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