Chapter 3 - Hazel

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"Zelly hurry up! We're gonna be late!"

I heard my mom screaming at the top of her voice and smiled to myself.
I love this. I love making them feel like they're gonna be late. But I love taking my time the most.

"I'm coming! Just give me two more minutes!" I shout back.

I was sitting in front of my mirror while trying to apply some very difficult eyeliner. Damn eyeliners. Why do they always have to be so complicated.
After a whole minute of trying I have up and just went downstairs, grabbed my phone one the kitchen table and ran outside to my mom who's honking furiously behind the wheel of her BMW M4.


There were already people lining up in front of the mall waiting for the doors to open.

"Shit. See what happened there?" My mom said. "If you hadn't been so slow we would've already be the ones right in front of the door by now," she said in clear annoyance.

Really?! All that trouble just to get to the mall at six in the morning?

"I'm flattered," I say clearly not hiding the sarcasm. "You finally noticed how slow I was."

"Oh look! The doors are opening!" I bet she didn't hear the last sentence I said 'cause she was too busy watching the doors.

"Quick quick quick! Get out of the car! Hurry!" She yelled as she opened the door from my side and pushed me to get out.

"Ok ok ok ok,I'm out I'm out! Jeez!"

After I got out she got out after me but didn't wait,she ran quickly to get into the mall without even a glance back.
I smiled at myself. My mom is a total shopping addict. No lie. She always made sure she was first in line and always the last to leave the store. I guess since we're rich she has had a lot of things to collect. I mean literally she can seriously have five shopping carts with her,but it's a good thing we came here without our guards or else they'd be pushing ten shopping carts by now.

I walked slowly up to the shoppers all pushing each other to get inside the mall. I was almost made it to the door when some jerk bumped into me. I tried to stop myself from falling but was too late,I was already lying flat on my back on the concrete pavement of the mall's parking lot. I vision went blurry and couldn't see the face of the person staring at me. Because of the blood rushing in my ears all I could were muffled voices saying,

"Shit...what happened?!" A girl's voice. "Is she okay?"

"I'm not sure. I think I accidentally bumped into her," A male voice this time

"You think?! You think you bumped into her?! What the fudge,Tom-"
Then I blacked out, complete silence.


Song of the day: Gorgeous - Taylor Swift


OVERDOSED Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora