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Becca Fields stared at her phone, a shocked expression on her face.

I know what you want. But you can't have him. You will either shut up about it, or you will pay for this Becca. My final warning.

Becca almost laughed. She knew exactly who it was. The idiot was gutsy, Becca would admit that. But Becca knew all their secrets, and she knew exactly how to wield those secrets like a knife. She could ruin their life so easily, it was almost like breathing. They couldn't mess with Becca Fields.

I promise you, darling, I will not be the one paying. I know about you. I know your secret. I will tell on you if you don't give what was promised.

Becca clicked send, satisfied that she had shown that idiot who would come out on top.

A few minutes later, whilst Becca was waiting for Essa, clutching her green handbag to her side, she heard a loathing voice come from the shadows. "I'm sorry, Becca. I warned you."

Becca turned around quickly, just in time to see a flash of silver swish in a bright arch towards her chest. She collapsed to the cold, stone floor, taking her last shallow breaths.

Suddenly she was so much more aware of everything. The freezing pavement, the cold seeping into her bones through her thick coat, the familiar strands of long blond hair falling over her face. If she tried, she could even hear the soft breathing of her attacker. Breathing like she soon would be unable too.

She heard the voice again, barely audible in the strong wind. "You made your choice, Becca. And now you paid the price."

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