Chapter II

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Luke listened as Ezra finished his story about his exile and the Grysk threat. He wanted to reach out to the Chiss, and possibly persuade them to aid the New Republic in repelling the Grysk threat. But Ezra once again explained they didn't trust outsiders and were most likely too preoccupied to listen to Luke and the New Republic.

In the training fields, Ben and Rey were listening to Professor Huyang and Ahsoka as they talked about lightsaber combat used to fight against the Separatist droids. When they rejoined the group, Cal Kestis offered advice on how he adapted those techniques to fight against the Empire. In a sense, this wasn't so much a training session more or less a history lesson.

Far away from the Jedi Order and even the New Republic, a group of Imperial officers sat in the conference room of the Super Star Destroyer, Eclipse. They had grown in both numbers and resources. They had declared Brendol Hux and Moff Gideon as head political and military figures within the New Empire. As they began to discuss their next moves, a shuttle landed in the hangar bay. A hooded figure stepped out and was followed by several red guards, very reminiscent of Palpatine's royal guards.

As Imperial Stormtroopers stepped out to confront him, two squads of unknown troopers exited another shuttle and opened fire, obliterating those who tried to stop them. Brendol Hux watched in both frustration and slight panic that some warlord and his troopers were cutting down their forces like they were leaves being tossed in the wind. "We need to call reinforcements. If they make it beyond the hangar and to the bridge, they'll ruin everything we've worked so damn hard to keep!" Brendol shouted as he was close to pulling out his comn link before Moff Gideon stopped him. "Let's not be too hasty, Hux. If this new person can be persuaded to join us, perhaps now we can plan our next strike against the New Republic." Gideon suggested as the sounds of blaster fire grew closer to their position.

But as Gideon looked at the monitor, suddenly he wasn't too sure. Along with the troopers and guards, this hooded figure had a red lightsaber and was cutting down all who stood in its way. It also was clear that this figure towered over everyone. "Now are you certain you don't wish for reinforcements? What about your dark troopers?" Hux asked as he turned to Gideon who finally relented. Behind them, a hatch opened and 25 Dark troopers marched towards the intruders.

The Imperial Shadow Council watched as the intruder and his forces made their way towards the command bridge and the conference room. In the end, the Dark Troopers and Stormtroopers were no match for this hooded stranger. He soon entered the room, flanked by his guards and troopers. Neither of the officers had seen him before and that was terrifying. The fact that this creature had developed a small force under the Empire's watchful eye and gone unnoticed worried them.

"I am certain that you all are wondering who I am and where I came from ... to have gone unnoticed by Palpatine's Empire. The man you knew as Sheev Palpatine was once my Sith apprentice. I can assure you that his pathetic empire was not our true goal." He said as one officer tried to shoot the Muun. His massive hands grabbed the officer and tossed him into a wall, knocking him out cold.

"I am Darth Plagueis, formerly known as Hego Damask the Second. With Palpatine gone and his Empire in shambles, I have decided to return and offer my guidance. In time, I shall lead you to create a new empire." He said as he looked around the room. The Shadow Council looked around and at each other, skeptical of what they should do about accepting his offer. In the end, they reluctantly accepted this deal.

His first action was to move all of the fleets to Wild Space and even to the Unknown Regions as he knew the New Republic did not have much of a presence that far out in the galaxy. With no watchful eyes, he would begin shaping this new Galactic Order into what he had originally intended to rule alongside Palpatine. Powerful warships would serve as the flagships of the naval commanders, Commodore, or higher ranked. These new flagships called the Resurgent Class Battlecruisers, were twice the size of the old Imperial star destroyers.

Their capital ships were a design that was reminiscent of the old Victory Class Destroyers. They were powerful capital ships and had several squadrons of starfighters. There were also ground vehicles such as tanks, speeders, and walkers. There were also troop transports.

The starfighters were similar to the Sith fighters of the ancient Sith Empire and some were reminiscent of the old Tie series starfighters. Some designs were kept from the Imperial Navy such as the tie interceptors and were simply upgraded with more modern equipment. One minor defect that they still couldn't overlook was the lack of full life support systems like those in the starfighters of the New Republic.

Plageuis would soon decide to move the operations to the world of Lehon in the Unknown Regions. From here, it would be far from the watchful eyes of the New Republic and any other powers in the galaxy. He was unaware of the war going on between the Chiss Ascendancy and the Grysk Hegemony. But it had already been done. His plans were now set in motion and nothing would halt his progress.

"Over 30 years have I waited for Sidious to fall from his high throne. Now with his experiment done, I can succeed where he failed." He said as he watched a Resurgent Class Battlecruiser finish its' final tests. "Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen." He said to himself as he watched the beginning stages of his new Galactic Order rise. 


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