Memories II

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The air on Zarcainus was thick with the scent of ancient trees, the dense forest stretching as far as the eye could see. The planet, nestled in the far reaches of Wild Space, remained untouched by the devastating war that raged between the Old Republic and the Ancient Sith Empire. Zarcainus was a quiet oasis amidst the chaos, a place seemingly forgotten by the galaxy.

Several thousand years ago, during the height of the conflict, a group of Chiss from the mysterious Chiss Ascendancy discovered Zarcainus. The Chiss had ventured beyond their borders in search of intelligence that could tilt the balance of power in the galaxy.

Noting the remoteness of Zarcainus, the Chiss set up a clandestine intelligence base deep within the heart of the dense forest. The lush canopy provided a natural cloak for their activities, shielding them from prying eyes. They were meticulous in erasing any traces of their presence, leaving behind only the name "Zarcainus" in the Republic Registry.

The Chiss agents observed the galactic war unfolding from their hidden outpost, analyzing the movements of the Old Republic and the Sith Empire. They gathered invaluable information on the strategies, weaknesses, and shifting alliances. Zarcainus became a silent witness to the ebb and flow of the conflict, its secrets guarded by the Chiss Ascendancy. As the war escalated, the Chiss ultimately decided to withdraw to their borders, leaving Zarcainus undisturbed. However, they left behind the remnants of their intelligence base, hidden among the ancient trees.

The Chiss erased most of the records of their activities, ensuring that only the name of the planet remained in the Republic Registry. A subtle reminder of a forgotten chapter in the galaxy's history. The legacy of the Chiss Ascendancy's presence on Zarcainus endured, shrouded in secrecy and mystery. The intelligence gathered during those ancient times might have influenced key decisions and strategies, leaving an indelible mark on the course of the galactic conflict. As Zarcainus continued to thrive in its isolation, the echoes of a bygone era lingered beneath the rustling leaves and among the silent trees.

Standing on the fringes of Wild Space, it sat waiting to be discovered by those who sought the secrets hidden within the heart of the mysterious planet. However, it was not the only planet that remained isolated. Thera's isolation and commitment to neutrality were deeply rooted in its unique history, shaped by a series of events that unfolded over centuries. The planet, situated on the fringes of Wild Space and pressed against the Unknown Regions, became a haven for those seeking refuge from the turbulent currents of galactic politics.

Long before the rise of the Galactic Republic, Thera was discovered by explorers and settlers drawn to its lush landscapes and abundant resources. As colonies were established, Thera's inhabitants, a diverse mix of species, developed a harmonious society that valued independence and self-sufficiency. However, as the influence of the Galactic Republic expanded, Thera's leaders observed the conflicts and power struggles that accompanied the spread of the Republic's reach. Determined to protect their world from the upheavals of intergalactic wars, the leaders of Thera adopted a policy of strict neutrality.

During the war between the Old Republic and the Ancient Sith Empire, Thera resisted becoming embroiled in the conflict. Despite the galaxy being engulfed in turmoil, the Theran government maintained a steadfast commitment to isolation, shielding its people from the ravages of war. Thera's location at the fringes of known space made it an ideal sanctuary for those seeking refuge from the galactic struggles.

The Theran government also implemented a policy of limited communication with the wider galaxy, allowing only essential trade and diplomatic interactions. They carefully avoided taking sides in disputes and conflicts, cultivating an image of impartiality that discouraged outside interference. Over the centuries, Thera's leaders refined their diplomatic strategies to navigate the changing political landscapes of the galaxy. The planet became known for its enigmatic stance, as rumors of its wealth and resources spread. Attracting the curiosity of neighboring systems and galactic powers.

Thera's neutrality was put to the test during various conflicts, including the rise of the Galactic Empire and the subsequent struggles against its remnants. Yet, the Theran government remained resolute in maintaining its distance, skillfully deflecting attempts to draw them into the fray. The Theran people, influenced by generations of leaders committed to their world's independence, embraced a culture that cherished self-reliance and cooperation. The average citizens, while aware of the wider galaxy's challenges, were content with their peaceful existence on Thera.

As the New Republic emerged from the remnants of the Galactic Empire, the leaders of Thera cautiously considered the potential benefits of collaboration. The decision to engage in diplomatic relations with the New Republic was not taken lightly, and their hesitancy reflected a history deeply ingrained in the fabric of Thera's identity – an identity shaped by the commitment to remaining neutral and isolated from the tumultuous currents of galactic affairs. 


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